DWC wilting and yellow..Please Help


Active Member
Hello, this is my first DWC grow and I would really appreciate any advice you guys can give me.
I have 3 white widdow clones that were planted 4 days ago. They are looking very droopy and wilted and they are turning yellow. I dont know if they are in shock or if they are dying because im doing something wrong.
-I am using a 400w HPS light runninng 24 hours a day for now.
-The bulb is about 23 inches from the top of the plants
- the temp at the top of the plants is 80 to 85F and the water is 76 to 82F.
-I am using foxfarm nutes at 3/4 strength.
-The ph is between 5.5 and 6.5
- each plant is in a black 5 gallon bucket with plenty of air bieng pumped into each bucket by 2 different airpumps.
-there is also a fan circulating the air.

TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE as I am very worrried that the lil guys are gonna die.

I really appreciate any help I can get.


Elite Rolling Society
I don't think they were ready for the 3/4 dose of nutes.
First thing I would do is drain a gallon out adn replace it with a gallon of pH balacned cold water. Everything you described sounds good except the water temp is definitely too hot. I did not see any mention of VENTING out the Heat or a fan.


Active Member
Thanks alot Roseman! i appreciate the quick response... i did what u said with a gallon of ph'd cold water so im just hoping for the best. And yes, i do have a fan circulating air and venting the closet.

Do u have any idea how long it should take to start noticing improvement in the babies?


hmmm, the water in my DWC containers aren't below 75 degrees and my plants thrive.

btw, did you have good root structure before putting the clones in the bucket? And if you did have good root structure, are you letting the roots sit in the water because that's what you need to do.



Elite Rolling Society
Thanks alot Roseman! i appreciate the quick response... i did what u said with a gallon of ph'd cold water so im just hoping for the best. And yes, i do have a fan circulating air and venting the closet.

Do u have any idea how long it should take to start noticing improvement in the babies?

more than one day, less than two days.


Elite Rolling Society
and what kind of airstones do you use?

books save reservoir temp of 65 to 75 is most desirable.


Active Member
Yes the roots were well developed and were coming out of the rockwool when I planted them... and yes they are submersed in water.

Roseman- each bucket has either 1 or 2 airstones in them... i am using the 4 inch by half an inch long airstones. the water seems to have a pretty good amount of bubbles breaking at the top.


and what kind of airstones do you use?

books save reservoir temp of 65 to 75 is most desirable.

I use the cheap small airstones from Walmart. I think they're 2 for around $1.50.

Sometimes I question what books say because in this world, nothing is definite. My growbox during the summer would get up to 95 degrees sometimes and that big plant you see in my pic shows that it grew just fine.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I question what books say because in this world, nothing is definite. My growbox during the summer would get up to 95 degrees sometimes and that big plant you see in my pic shows that it grew just fine.
i agree!! i think the books tell you the optimum conditions to grow in........but mj seems to be a very forgiving plant. due to my geographical location (and lack of a good ac) my water temps are > than 85 degrees for at least 4 - 6 months out of the year with little or no apparent damage to my plants.


Well-Known Member
and i agree with roseman that it may have been too early to go with the nutes especially at 3/4 strength. usually at this point i only use ph water and hygrozyme. afterwards, i may only go 1/2 strength all the way thru my grow to prevent stressing my girls. were the roots even growing into the water yet? instead of airstones, i put the airtubes directly into the net container until roots are growing into the water. and i usually spritz the plants 2-3 times daily with plain water.