DWC Wilted/Droopy plant. Help me save it please


Active Member
I just picked up 3 bare root clones from a 215 shop. a WW, Purple Hash, and a Nice Guy. I have a recirculating DWC setup. After about a half hour of being in the system, the Nice guy started drooping/wilting pretty badly. It looked nice before. I searched on here alot, and looked at the guides and other peoples problems, and it seems like an over watering or too high heat situation, but Im pretty new at this stuff.

Heres my setup

Air pump w/6in stones
1000w hps
4x4x8 grow room
6in 240 cfm fan blowing out, passive intake (waiting on 440cfm to show up)
Gen hydro micro, flora, bloom at recommended levels.
room temp around 87 (cooling down now)
water temp is cool but not cold
a couple small roots are in the water, and more are just in the hydroton (should most of the roots be submerged?)

The last pic is of another one I got today and it is doing pretty good.

Please help.



Well-Known Member
Decreased air circulation maybe? Try putting a small fan blowing at them lightly. Also partially open the growbox if it is an enclosed space. After they stabilize and you get your other fan you will be good.
Think humans...Just basically get a warm cozy blanket curl up on the couch and put a movie in...Let them just be.Give them all they need right now but do not let the light be too intense till they show signs of vigor.Just a lil shocked most likely
Pour some solution obviously over the tops of rocks and maybe that first pic snip those big leaves and just relax......And did I hear you say you picked up a nice guy.eeeeewwwww


Active Member
I put a fan to blow over them, and I cracked the door and it cooled down to around 80 so far. It's been about 4 hours since the "shock", and it hasn't gotten much worse, which I guess is a good sign. The other 2 new girls are doing good. I'll pour some solution on the rocks. I've been keeping the leaves lightly misted, they dry off quickly. Ill keep it updated. Thanks for the help


Active Member
Allright, I got my 440 cfm fan in today. Put the 440 on exhaust with the carbon filter, and the 240 on intake. I've got em both on a thermostat that keeps the room 76-78 degrees with outside air.

The plant however is getting worse. The leaves are getting brittle, and curled in. The top of the stem is still drooped over and very soft/flexible. The rest of the stem seems very stout.

I keep it bubbling, and try to mist it as often as possible. I'll have to look at the pics again, but it appears that the root might have grown. It might have just slipped down more too... I don't know.

As far as the dried out leaves, what should I do?


Active Member
The top of the plant is still drooped over badly. The leaves are very dry and almost ready to fall off. Should I leave it and let them fall off, or should I cut the leaves off, or should I top it just below the drooping? Any help is greatly appreciated.