DWC veg room to NFT bloom room???

So I am doing a major refurbishment to my room and I have my NFT bloom room all planned out and mostly put together but then when I started thinking about if it would be too stressful or risky to have a DWC room for veg/cuttings, and to transfer them to the NFT bloom room. What do you guys think? Or is that really strange? Not like that would be a bad thing...:idea:


Well-Known Member
Strange is good lol. I use to do the same thing a while back, had a tub DWC setup where my little'uns would sit untill they had some good root growth then transfer them to my PVC pipe nft setup. Worked well, just take it easy when transfering them and you should'nt have any probs.
Yeah when I was visioning it in my head it seemed to make a lot of sense. I am a lot more confident about it now I will post pictures once I do some more work on it.