DWC Tote Setup. First Time, How They Looking?


Well-Known Member
I've never seen leaves this wide, while being so short. Does that happen from time to time, or could it be some kind of deficiency?

600 w MH
Sprayers turn on for 15 min, shut off for 15 minutes
Advance Nutes, 950 to 1000 ppm
5.4 to 5.8 ph
Temp 80
Humidity - none/meter says low, doesn't give a number
Strain: Medijuana

Day 16 from putting non-germinated seed in rockwool:

2011-05-10 21.41.55.jpg

Day 19 from putting non-germinated seed in rockwool:

2011-05-13 17.17.08.jpg

2011-05-13 17.17.38.jpg

Day 21 from putting non-germinated seed in rockwool:

2011-05-15 12.04.10.jpg

2011-05-15 12.05.11.jpg

2011-05-15 12.06.53.jpg

2011-05-15 16.22.21.jpg


Well-Known Member
Wide leaves and a short plant are just traits of an indica strain. Your temp is few degrees high and you may want to back off a tad on the nutes.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks black. Should the temps be more around 75 and what would you recommend the ppm be at? I was shooting for 900 ppm for an aggressive veg stage, so far it hasn't gotten any nute burn so I was thinking about pushing it a little higher, but would that be detrimental to the plant to have the ppm that high even if it doesn't get any nute burn?


Active Member
My ppm are at 1480 at week 4 veg...they end up at 1680 at the end of flower...I grow aero, not sure if that makes much of a difference, it shouldn't. If tour air temp is 80, that's fine...you can safely go to 85 or 90 with good air flow during veg. During flower though it should be cooler..around 70-75. Now if your water temp is around 80..that is not good.


Active Member
Oh, one more thing...at day 21, my indicas are around 13 inches tall and sativa's were 22"....that is under 1000 watt HPS and LST.


Well-Known Member
Plants look healthy! Wide leaves & short plants are sign of Indica.
I'm using Advanced nutes too and my PPM was 1750 when I started flushing last week.
I never got over 1000 PPM during veg. It can be done but it is not necessary and just cost ya more money on more nutes.
A good light and good oxygen bubbles on the roots will do your plant wonders.
Temps around 80 are fine. As they get higher, the growth rate will slow down a little.
Around 95 it comes to a halt and is not good to have temps that high.
72-78 is good for me
A cooler instead of a tote will help you with rez temps and keep them cool. 65-70 is ideal temps. (Very Important)
Anything over 75 will promote algae growth.

I found this chart in another forum. It could be useful to have handy.

These numbers are based on EC readings, .500 readings, TDS readings converted from EC or the common Hannah Chart:

Seedlings, Early Sprouts 100 to 250

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, sounds like some good info. I was having a little bit of algae growth on the tops of the rockwool, I heard that it could be from the rockwool being too wet, but they stayed that wet every since the seeds were put in them. I'm hoping the canopy will block out alot of the light and help keep the algae from going further. After two days you can't see through the canopy at all now. Before you could see the mylar in between the plants, but now you can't even tell there is mylar underneath them. I think I have fallen in love with hydro systems now compared to soil. With soil at the 3 week mark they were still working on their first set of leaves. It's amazing how much faster and fuller these grow with hydro.

2011-05-17 17.17.18.jpg

2011-05-17 17.39.49.jpg

2011-05-17 17.53.48.jpg



Well-Known Member
Do the neoprene inserts strangle the base of the stem or do they allow the base to grow uninhibited?


Active Member
They are very flexible so they will bend at will. They are very soft, and definitely dont strangle anything. I have had one plant actually push the neoprene out of the net cup before.


Well-Known Member
O.k., that sounds like a pretty good choice then. I will probably go with the neoprene then, I need to go check out the hydro shops around town.


Well-Known Member
Got a ? For ya. A got a hydro set about to be put into action and was wondering how you did the whole seed into rockwool thing. Did u transfer it into the hydroton or did u start the rockwool off in the hydroton from day one?


Active Member
What I do is put a shallow layer of hydroton in the bottom of your net cup put your RW on top of that in the center, and then fill around the cup with hydroton to hold the RW in place. To start my seeds, I put them in a jar of water in a dark, semi-warm place and leave them for 24 hours (I don't let the tap root come out at all...i just watch for them to slightly swell and for the rim to look like it's getting wider). Then I put them in the RW and let them finish germinating (you need to get them a little deep...about 1/4 inch or so...) It is better for it to be deeper than to shallow; one guy on here didn't take my advice on that and ended up killing his plants (if it is shallow the tap root gets confused cause it is surround by light, so it gets crooked, grows out the top or side, and then you have to try to turn it the correct way and it dies). Give it about 2 days for the cotyledons to emerge and the shell to fall off, and another 3-4 days and you will have a nice set of true leaves. At this point just go ahead and slip your neoprene disc around the stem ever so gently and you are finished. A lot of people don't use nutes in the water during this stage, but I do. I do because as soon as those true leaves emerge, it needs dilute nutes. Sometimes this happens in the middle of the dark phase or when you aren't around, and thus it is starved until you decide to feed it. I can get my plants up to 4.5" in 7 days, by simply adding a dilute nute mix to the water. The argument against it is that the shell already contains nutes, and this is true...but only enough for the cotyledons to emerge and the root to tap out...then it's finished...the plant will stall...think about nature...that plant has nutes available from the minute the seed touches the forest floor....it may not use them just yet, but when it decides to eat, they will already be ithere for it.


Well-Known Member
Nutes are mass high for that age of the plant. Your water is too hot which will lead to root problems and even root rot...


Active Member


Well-Known Member
I can agree about h2o temp, but I don't think that plant shows any sign at all of nute burn. It looks pretty healthy, and like a typical indica. At week 3 my ppm is 1200, and week 4 they are at 1600. Any good nute program can verify this:

Damm dude thats high to me ... I use GH nutes .. 500 PPM in Veg 900 - 1000 PPM in flower... In my system and nutes I get nute burn on certain strains if i hit the 1200 PPM mark. Some strains can take it and some cant.. I know my Reserva Privada OG # 18 likes the 800-900 PPM anything over that and my sugar leaves curl downward like a claw and I get the classic nute burn on the leaf tips.


Well-Known Member
Got a ? For ya. A got a hydro set about to be put into action and was wondering how you did the whole seed into rockwool thing. Did u transfer it into the hydroton or did u start the rockwool off in the hydroton from day one?
I do just as peace does with the exception I dip the rockwool into the water in the tote to get it wet then put it in the net pot with the rockwool. Then what I do differently is I just put the seed straight into the rockwool without germinating it. I get around a 90% or higher germination rate. I start feeding them instantly though. I use advanced nutes, with some ph down to get the ph level to drop to around 5.5 and then I also put a little bit of the chlorine remover stuff you buy for fish tanks as well as some super thrive. I haven't had anything bad happen to the plants while they are still small. When they first starting popping out the top of the rock wool I tested the ppm and they were around 800. I let it run for a week at 800 then bumped it up to 1000, and then after another week it went up to around 1200 to 1300 ppm. I only found one small leaf at the bottom that had one small brown spot that was from nute burn.