DWC Stunted Growth...

So this DE, how is it applied? Do I need to concoct some form of foliage spray?

Mix up a paste, lather the stalk and all stems. Then use a very fine mist to hit the leaves (underside too) and dust them. It doesn't work when wet, but once it dries it'll start the massacre. The water is just to adhere it. Turn all fans off for a week. Continually dust every day for a week. Keep your temps up, you want eggs to hatch quickly so they rush out and die.

With DE when you dust, a little goes a long way but don't under do it. Wear long clothes and a mask. It can't really hurt you (except your lungs), but it can irritate your skin. Doesn't bother me but my wife is slightly sensitive to it.
Only a week! Thats nothing 3rd Monkey! I reckon I cycled through pesticides for about 2 months before I just chopped them haha. Good stuff 3rd Monkey! And shims!!

In optimal conditions, the conditions we grow in, eggs will hatch around 5 days, so the quicker the better. They have to walk across it to get cut up.
In optimal conditions, the conditions we grow in, eggs will hatch around 5 days, so the quicker the better. They have to walk across it to get cut up.
Ahh ok. So that's how it stops their life cycle. Kills them before they have the chance to reproduce! I'm going to look into DE i think. Be good to have some on hand just encase.
Mix up a paste, lather the stalk and all stems. Then use a very fine mist to hit the leaves (underside too) and dust them. It doesn't work when wet, but once it dries it'll start the massacre. The water is just to adhere it. Turn all fans off for a week. Continually dust every day for a week. Keep your temps up, you want eggs to hatch quickly so they rush out and die.

With DE when you dust, a little goes a long way but don't under do it. Wear long clothes and a mask. It can't really hurt you (except your lungs), but it can irritate your skin. Doesn't bother me but my wife is slightly sensitive to it.

Alright, tomorrow is a new day and with this new day the massacre shall begin!
Ahh ok. So that's how it stops their life cycle. Kills them before they have the chance to reproduce! I'm going to look into DE i think. Be good to have some on hand just encase.

Yea, I'm relatively new to forums, 2 months or so, but it's not very well known, on forums at least. I've been using it since the 90s and it's the only way in my opinion. No harsh chemicals, safe to eat, and has yet to disappoint me or anyone I know.
Yea, I'm relatively new to forums, 2 months or so, but it's not very well known, on forums at least. I've been using it since the 90s and it's the only way in my opinion. No harsh chemicals, safe to eat, and has yet to disappoint me or anyone I know.
Yea so am I. I remember you mentioned this on a post not too long ago. And theirs always that 1 hater haha. But I think you have to have experience with these resilient f%*#%rs to really appreciate something like DE.
Yea so am I. I remember you mentioned this on a post not too long ago. And theirs always that 1 hater haha. But I think you have to have experience with these resilient f%*#%rs to really appreciate something like DE.

It's killed everything I've thrown it at.

Now, I appreciate "pests" I used to kill outdoors because they eat the little pricks. Used to kill lady bugs because they chew up the leaves. I'm ok with a few chewed leaves in exchange for countering the worse bugs. Same with wasps.

When natural predators don't cut it, I bust out the DE and kill everything. It's like a scorched earth policy in a bag lol.
It's killed everything I've thrown it at.

Now, I appreciate "pests" I used to kill outdoors because they eat the little pricks. Used to kill lady bugs because they chew up the leaves. I'm ok with a few chewed leaves in exchange for countering the worse bugs. Same with wasps.

When natural predators don't cut it, I bust out the DE and kill everything. It's like a scorched earth policy in a bag lol.
I'm in Australia and finished an outdoor grow maybe 6 months ago. I understand exactly what your saying 3rd Monkey!! Always seems to be something different. Had these white butterflies everywhere. Didnt think much of it at the time. Until catapilars were everywhere!
I'm in Australia and finished an outdoor grow maybe 6 months ago. I understand exactly what your saying 3rd Monkey!! Always seems to be something different. Had these white butterflies everywhere. Didnt think much of it at the time. Until catapilars were everywhere!

Served with a couple Australians in Iraq. Funny guys. Still keep in contact with them.

Anyhow lol, yea a pest is a pest. Been doing some checking into Brix readings in plants. They say with a high enough reading, most pests won't even bother your plants and don't recognize them as a food source.

Don't know how true it really is, lots of BS out there, but interesting none the less.
At this point plants are small,were these from seed,clones?Would it not be a better idea to just trash and burn?Start over.

Stunting is going to set them back as well. Good point if it's an option.

Billy, you have a solid setup and a stroke of bad luck. Any idea where they may have come from?

Myke makes a good point.
Served with a couple Australians in Iraq. Funny guys. Still keep in contact with them.

Anyhow lol, yea a pest is a pest. Been doing some checking into Brix readings in plants. They say with a high enough reading, most pests won't even bother your plants and don't recognize them as a food source.

Don't know how true it really is, lots of BS out there, but interesting none the less.
I'm from new zealand (known as australias cousin) but have been living in Australia for 12 years! Haha Aussies dont work as hard as us kiwis but their good people none the less lol.
Brix readings you say? Nothing wrong with researching it! How good would it be if it works!! Put it in a bottle and become a millionaire haha.
Stunting is going to set them back as well. Good point if it's an option.

Billy, you have a solid setup and a stroke of bad luck. Any idea where they may have come from?

Myke makes a good point.
I know leaving dead leaves around can attract them. But looks like a new grow from scratch aye Billy? Have you got any pets that may wonder into grow room? Cats? Dog?
At this point plants are small,were these from seed,clones?Would it not be a better idea to just trash and burn?Start over.
That's what i did. Cleaned EVERYTHING. Removed any dead leaves (food source) and took that opportunity to go for a holiday. Came back started again. haven't had a problem with them since. Touch wood. My environment is alot more sterile now lol.
I'm from new zealand (known as australias cousin) but have been living in Australia for 12 years! Haha Aussies dont work as hard as us kiwis but their good people none the less lol.
Brix readings you say? Nothing wrong with researching it! How good would it be if it works!! Put it in a bottle and become a millionaire haha.

I had a pen pal from New Zealand. Last name Wiggins lol. Long time ago.

Anyhow, Brix is actually the measurement of the flow through plants more or less. Interesting science, haven't tried it myself.
These clones were taken from an out-door plant so that explains it, new clones or seeds aren't an option at this stage.

I not too concerned about stunting the plant, as long as they can recover, they're going to be mothers so keeping them in veg is the plan, and I need a lot of clones so hopefully I can get rid of these little bastards.

I've gotta get one of those microscopes Shamz was telling me about, I think there's a good chance this may be a double attack seeing as the damage is kinda bad, I'll scout for broad mites.

Fuck taking clones from an outdoor plant is a real crap idea haha
These clones were taken from an out-door plant so that explains it, new clones or seeds aren't an option at this stage.

I not too concerned about stunting the plant, as long as they can recover, they're going to be mothers so keeping them in veg is the plan, and I need a lot of clones so hopefully I can get rid of these little bastards.

I've gotta get one of those microscopes Shamz was telling me about, I think there's a good chance this may be a double attack seeing as the damage is kinda bad, I'll scout for broad mites.

Fuck taking clones from an outdoor plant is a real crap idea haha
And don't take clones till mites are totally eradicated! Or itl be an absolute nightmare further down the track!!