DWC Setup.Easy Rep


Active Member

  • yo guys im looking to set up a basic dwc setup with a storage box fitting 2-4 plants. ive seen how the air pump works and how to get it set up and made but im not sure how it works as far as feeding with nutes and how they are apllied. if someone could help would be thankfull cheers.


Dandilion Patch

Active Member
yea, you add your nutes to your water source after about 3 weeks of veg. Use a ppm meter to monitor how much nutes are in solution once you start adding.


New Member
DWC requires an up-front investment of a ppm pen and a ph pen.

Start seedlings at 75-100ppm of grow nutes and keep the ph close to 5.8


Well-Known Member
use low or no ppms in your water then add nutes keep water temp around 68 should be ok if not higher temps and higher ppms in water add up to a lot of problems if you do things correct they will grow like there name a weed

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
I'm doing my first dwc and its a simple 5 gallon bucket with a plastic pot in lid and an air stone in the bottom. I change nutes weekly. It is super easy! I didn't have a ph or ppm pen but she has not shown any problems. I just dilute one capful of vinegar to each gallon of water. Some will say it can cause build ups in the water but I haven't had them and she's growing like crazy. I use fox farm grow big, big bloom and tigger bloom and about 1/2 strength. If using tap water then let it sit out for at least 24 hours to help dissolve chlorine. I did buy a water tester and am waiting on its delivery but I'm about 5 days into flower and have not ran one test on my ph or ppm. Just go simple like I've done in order to get a feel for the system and its tendencies. Some people will recommend topping off your dwc when its empty but that's almost impossible if you don't have a ppm meter so change once a week is great. Start the nutes weak the first week and slowly raise each feeding after that until you've reached full strength or the plant shows problems. If your electricity is reliable then this really is a great system for someone that can't work in the garden daily. Try it on a smaller scale and see how it fits your liking before setting up an entire grow. Good luck!

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Also remember that if you are running a dwc, it'll be almost impossible to empty buckets that have a screen overhead. If you want a scrog then you'll need to have a reservoir separate with flood/drain system. You can have a scrog with dwc but it means you'll have to anchor the screen to the lids holding the plants. Now you can raise/lower the entire screen to get access to your water.