DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!


Well-Known Member
I love it Bonzi. I'm gonna base my next design off of that one. I'm jk with ya. I'm sure it will work just fine.


Active Member
Just one leaf curlling that you're worried about? She (heh hopefully!) will be fine. I've noticed that each plant I place in my res will get just one or two leaves showing all sorts of wierd signs, from curling to sometimes banding or spotting, while waiting for roots to hit the drink. I get the feeling that the plant picks a leaf or two to cannibalize while the root system develops. If no other signs of problems but the one or two leaves, and no conditions are suspect, then probably no need to sweat it.

second on the cal/mag. probably the most all around useful additive in my arsenal.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting grow, I may just be subbing this, (not hijacking at all btw) I also have a dwc first time going as well as hempy and soil, I've fount that the blue airstone from the wal-mart are problematic to say the least, clogged from the factory is more like it. I live in the sticks so no hydro store for at least 150mi. So I had to make my own since the wal-mart version wasn't doing anything. and it worked o.k. now, flash forward a couple weeks and I made my way into a hydro store and found a very nice cylindrical type of airstone for roughly 5 bucks that completely rocks!! as a matter of fact here's a link to the stone and the shop http://stores.intuitwebsites.com/FifthSeasonGardening/-strse-1651/Air-Stone--dsh--Round/Detail.bok I got the large one. It's well worht the 5 bones and it's quite large, puts out insane amounts of bubbles and it will not float. So check it man, Ive got some experience in growing as do you lets work out that root prob so you're not chasing them. whaddya say? I'm going to re-read this from the beginning I remember a brown root slime posting caught my eye (I had that problem once also very recently) and led me here. I got rid of the slime without any chemicals except what may be found in tap water, thats what I used to "flush" my roots.


Well-Known Member
Glad to have you in Hobart + Rep.. Those stones look small. I'm not sure if they would bubble real good in my rez unless I had like 20 of em. I could be wrong tho. I don't really have a slime issue. I did have some but I got rid of it for the most part. Nothing that concerns me as of yet besides trying to get that other one to reach the water for the 15th time. It's like it would grow fine then I would add water and the extra water would drown out my roots. I notice they grow best when I have about 1-2 inch gap below them. I'll get it figured out but I know it has to do with the water level but I don't understand how when I raise the level it drowns them out. I'm not sweating it. I'll get it figured out and even if I have to top feed til the end then I will.
That was my thoughts too Phenob. I'm not sweating it but if it was a problem then I would rather catch and correct it before it causes more of a problem. I cut it off and so far everything else is looking good.


Well-Known Member
Day 42: :weed:
Not much to update on. I still don't have anything to check my pH with. I ordered two more electrodes from eBay so hopefully they will be here in a week coming from Hong Kong. I have been do rez changes weekly but this time I'm gonna go 2 weeks so I don't throw the pH out of wack. Ordered a 435 cfm Valuline fan with a speed controller switch so I don't have to sound like a jet in there. I got the speed control today so hopefully the fan will be here tomo. Water level is 1/2 inch below 2 pots and level on El Mon 2 trying to keep it moist so I don't have to top feed. Ready for some new roots to start growing dammit. I trimmed a little bit of the under screen growth and a few shade leaves off of the top. They are all 3 spreading out pretty good and covering the screen slowly but surely. I'm gonna give them an extra week of veg so they will cover it more and also I want them to be about 3 inches above the screen when I flip. Not sure if that is gonna backfire on me tho. Cuz if they are that high and they stretch from flower then would they branch alot more new growth or do they just stretch? I would like to have 1/4 - 1 oz buds if possible. Any suggestions or does what I'm thinking sound legit? :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ok I have a few questions, all about the roots, directly and indirectly. First, I was wondering what ppm you're at now? I noticed on the 8th you were at 1000, 3 days before that you reported you were at 800. (Also added chlorine) It's the 17th almost 18th are you still at 1000?
Also what kind of water are you using? is it city? is it well? filtered ...etc. One thing Ive noticed is, no offense of course but it seems you may be a bit nute happy if ya know what i mean. Raising, lowering within days and looking for immediate results. Well, plants don't work that way usually. I was also curious to know if you've just ran them a 5 days to a week with just water nothing added?
And are you still using vinegar? i don't think so since it hasn't been mentioned in a while but that will have significant effects on your plants. one thing is ( I think you noticed) the pH don't stay stable very long at all. drops fast plus I believe it can have some effect on root growth. as well as the chlorine. I do know it's suggested to let tap water sit out for a couple days to let the chlorine flash off before using it on plants. That tells me chlorine = bad for the reefer. Also the air stone I have is about two inches across and about 3 inches long, looking at the amount of bubbles on the top of the water in your photos it puts out about 5 time the bubbles you have going on. those wal mart ones the blue stones, blow through it if its not easy to blow through it's garbage. your cheeks should NOT puff up if its a good stone you should be able to blow freely. also that stone i have is cheap & chinese but is a coarse stone, thus lot's o bubbles. I wouldnt think twice about using it in an 18 gal sterilite w/4 plants going at once. (actually after harvest i am! clones are already cut & starting!!) if you really want cheap tho make one or two in your case, visine bottles with many holes punched in them work very well. just have to weigh it down and the dropper one the end should be drilled out a tiny bit bigger and it fits right on the air line. we have mountains here an many rocks, I took one about the size of a tangerine and put it in my tank on the air line and that keeps it from floating. ( still using a visine bottle in a paint can that has one plant in it, the same one I had the slime probs with, recently rectified w/o chems of any kind and have new long roots...) will pry my other eye back open and read more and proof read my shit and see if I forgot anything. yo man please let me know those details though they may help a lot. ill take a pic of that stone next to a pop can for reference and try to get a pic of it in action.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Hobart. I am using well water with 56 PPM out of the faucet. I am not using Vinegar at all and will not use it again. It's been about a month of using Advanced Nutrients pH Down and I have had no problems. My pH stays pretty constant for a couple days. My pH meter broke tho so I haven't been able to check it lately, but I ordered a couple more electrodes in case another one breaks. My PPM was around 940 last night when I checked as has been there since last rez change which was about a week or so. I do not go up and down with my PPM in hopes of a quick response. I'm very patient with them but when I don't have roots in the water on a 6 week old plant then I get frustrated. The PPM lowers either when I top off with pH'd water or because they drink the water. I do not add nuted water for top off. I am about 90% sure that my root problem has to do with the water level. At the level my water is now I have new root growth coming from the other two but not the other one. I know some say you can grow with pots fully submerged but with my experience everytime the water level gets that close to them then the roots seem to be water logged and break off. I'll take a couple pics cuz they are not as bad as that makes it sound. Actually I think I have quite a few bubbles and alot of water movement in my rez since adding the new pump. Money is not my issue with the stones and stuff. If you recall a few pages back I said I purchased a $35 air stone, but it hummed so bad that I couldn't use it so I now have it listed back on eBay. As far as the bleach thing. To each their own, some use h2o2. I use bleach, its cheaper (not my concern, if I thought it would work that much greater then I would buy it) I add the bleach to keep the slime out. I have washed several homes and roofs with bleach and soaked the plants and have never had any issues with killing plants and everywhere I search around I have never read one thing bad that the bleach harmed the plants or anything to that extent. So bleach is what I'm gonna use. I'll go take some pics and post them.
Honestly tho, if you had not have posted anything in my journal I was thinking about not keeping a journal anymore cuz it seems like a waste of my time. I go thru the trouble of taking pics and showing people how I make things and such and I get no feedback or activity. I don't need the extra boost of someone saying good job to make me feel better. So thanks for showing that you are somewhat interested.


Well-Known Member
WTF? I'm interested don't stop posting lol! I read yours every day just been busy.
I agree with you blu on the bleach topic. I haven't have any trouble with slime or anything like that since I started using a litle bleach in there and I think my plants speak for them self.


Well-Known Member
Cab Temps: 80
RH: 49%
PPM: 975 (might be high but I have no sign of burn anywhere)
pH: unknown (broke meter)

Res Temp: 69.8 (actually the warmest it has been since using the Igloo)
I'm gonna keep the water level about where it is and I'll take a couple more pics in a couple days and see if there is new growth on them.


Extrema in front, El Mon 1 back left, El Mon 2 back right


Extrema top view

El Mon 1 roots
..I think there are alot of bubbles. Could be more but I'm happy with them. They move and form really fast

The infamous El Mon 2 (no root)


Extrema roots. Yes I know. All of my roots look pitiful compared to others on this site, but they are still alive and kicking.



Well-Known Member
WTF? I'm interested don't stop posting lol! I read yours every day just been busy.
I agree with you blu on the bleach topic. I haven't have any trouble with slime or anything like that since I started using a litle bleach in there and I think my plants speak for them self.
Thanks Mel! I'm not gonna stop using bleach until I see or hear definite reasons not to use it.


Well-Known Member
I get impressed every time I see your pics ,they look so healthy.
You should start a thread about growing healthy plants with no roots using magic lmao!.
I'm clueless on what could be the reason for your roots, but it seems you've done averything you can to fix this.


Well-Known Member
I'll get it on track. If not this grow then I will for the next one. I'm very persistent. I wave my wand and they grow healthy with no roots. Maybe I should patent the wand that helps me. Lol! eBay here I come!


Well-Known Member
A wand?... that's funny lol! Cannabis rootles wand! buy it now at a hydrostore near you lmao! You'd be banking with a patent like that.


Well-Known Member
loooks good blu, your screen set up looks nice! just a quick question

can you put 6-8 plants per rubbermaid container? how many is to many


Well-Known Member
Welcome and Thanks Chronic! I started off with 4 plants in a 20 gallon RM with 5 inch net pots. Yes you can do 6-8 as long as you have small net pots, but I would only veg (not flower) that many in that container. Once they get bigger and the roots grow then they will be fighting over then oxygen and water. So for flowering I would suggest maybe 2 in a RM and thats if you keep them somewhat small. If you try to do a 6 ft plant then one flower one per container. But beyond that, I don't recommend using RM containers. Get yourself a cooler, even a small one and you won't fight with rez temps as much as you would otherwise. My cooler has not gotten over 70 rez temps not one time and my cab has been up to 88, with no water chillers or ice bottles in the rez. Save yourself some trouble in the setup for the long run. Hope that helps you out.


Well-Known Member
Since taking those pics yesterday I have noticed quite a bit of root growth from all 3 plants. Especially the Extrema, she really sprouted alot of new white roots. And I finally have 3-4 roots poking into the water with the El Mon 2. I think the problem is that since it wasn't touching the water with roots and I didn't want to raise the water level cuz I would drown out the other two. So I top fed El Mon 2 and I think I may have been overwatering her and was causing the roots not to grow. Now I will see how the next couple days play out and how they start to look. I would really like get more growth on them before I switch to flower. Other than that. Nothing much has changed. Still waiting for my fan and my pH electrodes. Fan should be here today or very soon and the electrode, prob another week and a half of not knowing the pH.