DWC Question


Active Member
Is it possible to pull off a grow with res temps around 80?
yes, but you will most likely get smelly brown roots in ur rez. Also the plants will most likely suffer from slow growth. If ur willing to live with those things happening to your plants then sure. I would try to find a way to cool down your rez. What is causing the temp to spike up that high? hope this helped.

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member
yes i am trying ways to cool it down but its just such a pain lol. would putting my air pump in an ice chest filled with frozen water bottles work for cooling it down? since its summer and there is no cool air elsewhere for them to pump in cool air.


Active Member
you can make a chiller if you have a res hooked to your buckets if not try the frozen water bottles to keep your temp down.if your interisted in making a chiller let me know and I will tell you how to do it.you will need a refridgerator or an ice chest a pump and fittings and hose. peace and grow on


Active Member
yes i am trying ways to cool it down but its just such a pain lol. would putting my air pump in an ice chest filled with frozen water bottles work for cooling it down? since its summer and there is no cool air elsewhere for them to pump in cool air.
Adding more air stones would help to cool down the res temps. The ice chest is a good idea for a rez. THe ice bottles would work well too but would be a pain in the ass to replace once they melted.

Peace and positive energy to you



Active Member
DIY chiller. ok Im going to try and explain this as easy as I can, its really very easy once you think about it for a bit.first this will only work with a system that has a res,my system consists of indavidual 5 gal buckets that are all linked togeather with a res. now you can use an ice chest for your res thats what I used. now all you need to do is get a pond pump mine is 400 gal. an hour,you hook the out line to your tubing that links them all togeather.now this part will take a bit to get it where you want,fill your res with plain water to get it dialed in,its best to do this before you are up and running.now all you have to do is set a timer on the pump to come on and off as many times you need it to to keep the solution at or near the temp you want.you will have to put frozen water bottles in the res to maintain your temp it will take some time to get it dialed in but it beats putting the bottles in the buckets everyday and having the res for me makes it so much easyer than trying to add to the buckets everyday,my plants are drinking 3/4 to 1 gal. per day now 3 weeks into flower and it would be a pain in the ass if I had to add to each 1 now I just top off my res and you can check you ph and ppm from the res to. I hope I explained this well enough if not ask me what you ned to know peace and grow on