DWC Outdoor flowering?

Hey guys. pretty much a noob here. Got some questions because i'm moving to a house this sunday and i get a good sized backyard with plenty of sunlight.

I'm thinkin about going DWC and vegging indoor and taking them outdoor to flower. do you guys think it would be a good idea? or bad; hence the fact that i don't have room in my room to flower big fat colas. only enough to veg 2 fat mothers and a cloning station..

any setup ideas would be great. and a cost estimation would be nice. I could flower about 30 - 35 with the space i have outside.
really depends how you do the dwc, i use 5g buckets but your not flowering 30 plants in 5 gallon buckets. if you want to flower that many at a time i wouldnt go near dwc


Well-Known Member
DWC is awesome but keeping the water cool ( under 70 degrees) is the key to successful growing in DWC.. I would assume outdoor spring/summer temps are over 85 degrees and you might get root rot because of the warmer temps making your water temps higher.


Active Member
U can save a ton if u amend ur own soil. Tons of info in here about it but in short this is what u want kinda.
33% ur soil
33% perlite
33% compost/leafmold/cow shit/ chicken shit u get it