Dwc or soil?

yo!,im new to this great site, so hi to all.
If anybody has the time to give me some advice id really apreciate it!
basically im looking to get a little grow going over the next few weeks so i can get some nice nuggs together for the summer months coming.
where im at so far is that after a little hunt I managed to got hold of a large pc tower ready made to grow stealth in which is pretty cool i rekon..obviously im aware that im not going to get a fantastic yield out of a setup like this but as this grow is simply for my own use and also for me to gain some growing experience it should be ideal.
Right Ive been reading a little and am not sure which method of growing to use...the towers been built to use dwc but ive read that this requires alot of maintaining which might not be suitable as some times i can be away with work for a few days at a time so dont want my grow to go bad while im away...
can i ask... would it be better to just use soil or will dwc be the right way to go?
opinions and experience welcome..

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I usually recommend a soiless mix for first time growers. Sunshine#4 is good right out of the bag, and I use Cutting Edge Nutrients. General Hydroponics Flora are also good nutes. Both are very simple, effective, and innexpensive.

There are many choices that can be more productive, but these combos will make the grow very easy. Just get the atmoshpere right before you bring in the plants. 75 degrees and 40% humidity. Many peeps think 40% is too low, but it will help prevent Powdery Mildew...one of your worst enemies.

thanks for advice no doubt i will return for more over the course of next few weeks..
hey and im seriously loving your grow op WOW


Well-Known Member
If you are going to be leaving the plant for several days at a time, I suggest you go DWC... can it be more work? yes... however, you can leave your plants for up to a week if the reservoir holds enough water and nutes, whereas with soil, you might run into trouble. Even if you go soiless medium as suggested, you'll need a drip system or something to water while you are away. If the longest you will be away is 3 days, you are probably ok either way.

If you are brand new to growing, your first grow should be a soil one, so you can cut your teeth and get to know the plant. Soil is forgiving, hydro is not.
I have grown in soil in greenhouse a few years back which produced some huge plants but problems with bugs and mold right at the end caused me to have to chop early which was a shame...
anyways im hoping that my new grow box will allow me to control aspects of the grow that were out of my control in the greenhouse and hopefully learn me new techniques that i can put into practice with larger grows when space permits.


Well-Known Member
I agree that soil is your best bet for a first successful grow. Get the basics down and a couple grows under your belt and than your better informed and can decide if you want to change.


Well-Known Member
I grow using DWC and it's no hassle whatsoever. The only hassle is doing a water change(sometimes the roots engulf the air stones). I veg for 4-6 weeks and then flower. I only completely change the water 3 or 4 times. Apart from that, just top up the res or bucket. Try using nutes that are low in salts(sodium) as this can build up over time and you will need to change your bucket/res more often
I think i might give the dwc a go with just a single plant just to see how i get on....if it goes tits up then i will revert back to the soil.
Now to find some nice seeds....do i go auto or try some of the seeds i got out of some pretty nice erbs a while back...mmmm decisions decisions

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I think i might give the dwc a go with just a single plant just to see how i get on....if it goes tits up then i will revert back to the soil.
Now to find some nice seeds....do i go auto or try some of the seeds i got out of some pretty nice erbs a while back...mmmm decisions decisions
I wouldn't go auto. Just get the best proven beans you can get. I would stay away from any sativa with that little box.
