DWC or Hydroton, exhaust and lights


Well-Known Member
I am using a piece of 1/8 regular glass that I thought would break during the testing. It's still in there with 2-250 watt bulbs, but thee are 75 CFM fans blowing on them. I have often wondered if I would reduce heat if I used thicker glass. I also should us tempered, but whatever, "This is just a test"... lol


Well-Known Member
Got my Flora Kleen from "Brown" today.

Directions say to flush the last day or two before harvest.

How do ya'll do it?

When is more then question. I started flushing just a two days ago with PHed water (which I realize I didn't need to PH).


Well-Known Member
That's cool, we will have our resources all united like a wacky-tabacky wide web...

Here some pics tp update the current status. The purp is looking wicked!!! I am amazed at the trichs/white hairs covering event the long petals. I am now - 66 day veg/64 day flower = 130 Days Total.



Well-Known Member
they are mostly clear, right?? im just learning how to read trichs... you have to wait till mostly cloudy,right?


Well-Known Member
That is the big question, when do i chop???

I am considering slowly (as they appear to ripen) removing the buds that look more ripe. I'm going to try and gauge when they are about 50/50 cloudy/amber and remove at that time. I THINK I want to take the fruit when they are 50/50 because I read that it should give me a medium level high, not totally a head or totally a body buzz. I hope that information is correct...lol. I think I would rather pick early than late also. I read that the later I wait, the more lethargic the buzz will be???

I bought Flora Kleen and will administer the final 2 days (as I can best guess when that will be).

How long does it take to over-ripen? I know that is a broad question, but can this occur in a week or does this usually happen over weeks? I realize that I will have to learn from experience, but I'd sure like to be pretty darn close on my first try... Thanks to everyone thus far.

The purple (left side front) is much more ripe than the Jack/Jah. It seems that stuff has a while to go. I am not impressed with the Jack, but I have to remember that I have no co2 and I wasn't very gentle with PH changes. I know it's a much more tempermenta grow, so I might hold off on that. But the Purple Kush clones are doing decent. I need to raise the nutes so the get big and become strong like those Angry Jalapenos... Hot!!!!!! (If you don't get it, ignore it...)

when are they getting the chop?
Well my friend, I am guessing over the weekend. I don't know how long it takes to mature in the final stages. I am checking every other day but wil begin each day now. Thanks for the word of confidence, "we happy"

Onthe dl,
I think you are on the right path to a revolution. The old-timers are gonna get pissed though...

winkdogg420, I don't have a scope, I'm using my camera as you have seen... lol. The really magnified stuff is a photo with a magnifying glass in frong of lens. It takes some practice (and understand if Macro and Manual focus) though. Next set should be good I think... But, most hydro shops have the ones that have lights in them. For my application I needed something so I could see the trichs from afar, so I doctor'd up a monocular spyglass thingy with some random lenses from binoculars that were a piece of chit. It gives me some fooking wicked magnification at almost any distance to see the nugs in the back.


Well-Known Member
What the hell, i had fresh batteries...

It's hard to believe that less than 10 years ago we used to have to wait a week to see what our photos looked like, whether good or bad... and it cost like $7.00 for 24... lol.

My girlfriends never let me take nude photos because they didn't want the lab technician to see their nakedness. We've gone digital, but I get the same answer, just their reasons have changed... lol. The only real difference is that it wouldn't take week to show my buddies her tig ol bitties...... lol.



Well-Known Member
its gonna be a good weekend!!... the purp is lookin ready..

it wouldnt hurt to cut a nug off and start drying it right now to test


Well-Known Member
Sup Jigs!,
I used the General Hydroponics 3 part Flora series in conjunction with two additives Diamond Nectar, and Kool Bloom. This was my first attempt but I can see how the 3 part series could be a great way to go when I gain experience by being able to tailor my nutrient mixture/ratios towards the current conditions. Each of the 3 parts is a different portion of the total nutes needed, but it's broken down into a Grow, Bloom, and Micro categories/bottles. So, if I wanted to increase the nutes for vegging, I could bump up the Grow portion of my mixture, and visa versa with bloom and the micro/base nutes.

Next grow I will push the nutes to the limits instead of being safe as i did this time adn I think I will enjoy it.

BloodShot420, that is just what I did when I awoke this fine Christmas morning... lol. I wish i could share when it done... This was a small sized nug from the farthest from the lights. It smells like purple drink... This nug weighted in at 3.7 grams fully intact. I trimmed the fan leaves that had no truchs about halfway down.

I haven't looked, but do any of you know a place to get accurate numbers for curing environment? I have a humidifier and some empty cabinets that are dark???



Well-Known Member
wow man... that looks awesome!!... got some real purp on the first grow?! just awesome... nothing in my garden changes color, i think it stays too warm...

also, on the next grow, you should check out the Lucas formula... it elminates the "grow" portion of the 3 part nutrients... the grow contains almost all nitrogen, but there is enough nitrogen in the "micro" for MJ... if you push the limits with the regular ratios, the first thing you will see is nute burn from too much nitrogen - just a heads up ;-)



Well-Known Member
I am thinking of doing organic nutes on my next grow but haven't read up yet. Thanks for the info and the help, I'm almost over the hump...

My plan was to push the nutes next run, but I will have to read the Lucas stuff before i decide.

I realized that the Co2 (even though it was from yeast, sugar, and water) made a difference in the "purple-ness". I can see the area where the nozzle was attached is much more purple than the areas further away.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm you think the c02 is that big of a help ... My room isnt sealed but i might ake a batch up and put it in the middle!