dwc is fastest? just read this I want back then.lol


Well-Known Member
I started my first practice grow in dwc. The growth was good but I had nothing else dialed in. Temps and light was bad.

I got the rest of the stuff dialed in but I swtiched over to ebb table. I saw slower grwoth I thought but in dwc I was going off clones so i figures that was why. ebb was seed.

Now today I read that dwc was the fastest and nobody argued. OW. I in rockwool not the fastest but I figured as good as dwc. I thought aero was the fastest.

All about oxygen I know but I cant really say how much oxygen you can get in a dwc rubbermaid.

Is dwc the fastest? If so I am going to 5 gallon buckets. I saw so much veg in a clone in dwc it was awesome. But that was clone. My first seeds were dirt all botched.

A little help. If you are bored.:)I will rep.:fire:


Well-Known Member
WHite bumps! I just checked my dwc cloner. My nl had got some white bumps. I raised the heat to 80 and bamn. hehe, just thought I would share. I lost 30 in rw, my first attempt, now i got some emergency clones taken n flower rooting. In a coffee can, i fig it dark with lots of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
Aero would be faster, but DWC is more forgiving and not far behind aero. I chose ebb & flow(slower), the Ebb & Gro, in particular. I liked the idea of seperate modules for each plant that I can move around to suit my needs. However, that system is rather pricey. A Rubbermaid DWC setup is the way to go if you're on a budget. For me, I would only use aero for cloning.


Well-Known Member
I think any hydro grow once dialed in and fine tuned will bring maximum potential on every level out of a grow. I chose dwc cuz it was practical for me and thats the only reason. Theres no way I could fit all the particular gadgets needed to grow any other style of hydro inside my small walkin closet. And if applied, theres all kinds of awesome techniques and grow rules to be used to maximize space per plant ratio inside one tub. The key is method i think.
Is it faster? I dont know. All i can tell u is that u can grow certain strains a foot tall in as lil as 2-3 weeks from seed if done properly.But im sure u can do this in any hydro style when done right.
I dont think its the best or the fastest. But i do think its the most practical to fit my needs.


Well-Known Member
I use drip, and after fine tooning schedules and lighting, it seems to produce just as much as any other system ive tried. Only tried aero and dwc, and soil.