Dwc Help!

in a dwc can i stick a seed in the hydroton and have it start growing or does it have to be a clone with an existing root system??

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
It would be best to germinate in wet paper towel or standing water and once the tap root pops, then you can very carefully put it into rockwool and then go into the dwc net pot covering the rockwool cube with hydroton.


Well-Known Member
hell yea, my advice is sometimes stupid as hell, but I like to let it pop in a wet papertowel, throw it in soil for 3 days til she surfaces, than carefully tip over the dixy cup that she was in and put that in the hydroTON dwc setup, or whatever hydro you wanted to do. have fun


Well-Known Member
paper towel that bean till she pops then 'CARFULLY' put her in a RW cube and let her veg for a while (till roots come out of the cube) before putting her in the DWC system then its on roots will be coming from everywhere. good luck and happy growing.