DWC Growing?


Active Member
Just a few quick questions...

How often do I need to ad nutrients to my water?

I am going to start my seedling at 1/2 strenth, so I just ad the 2nd half when its big enough or do I ad full strenth at that time because the intial nutes have been used up?

Do I ad a dose of full strenth every week after that?

Do I try to constantly mantian a specific PPM?

Do I ever need to change the water completly?

In the last week of flowering they suggest flushing to remove chemichals from the buds... Is it adventagius to change the water completly or just stop adding and let the plant aborb the remainder without fruther feedings prior to the final week?

Thank you, I searched for these answers and coudlnt find them.


Well-Known Member
seedling really don't need any nutes, if you do, keep it at 1/16 or 1/8th
Add nutes once a week
Change the water regularly when the ph is off and starts to turnm you will know,
when you flush at the end, yes change the water completely, give it a few days to flush completely, and the last 2 days, give it total darkness..