Well-Known Member
easy people .
pulled myself away from ps3 to pop in (to see them first and then u lot, one must prioratise)
very glad to say in under 48hours from stickin into the new bigass grodans roots busted out the bottom - i even took a pic < im gettin better at this shit!
tho now i really need to do sum sort of makeshift creating to keep them healthy and promote more untill i get stuff together -stress- gonna put the kettle on and brew up a plan . . input as always is appreciated - considering splitting a soda bottle in half for now coz well its free but we shall see.
OOooOOOh very sciencey net - picturing the white lab coat ( paint stained to hell) and a tag name badge , you could speed up by adding more light, how much tho i duno . . id lend u my hps but by the time it gets there harvest will be done -
what if u were to put baywatch or sumthin else sunny on the tv and use the ambilight? hahaha i bet sum1 out there has tried it ** looks around** . . maybe in newbs.
DL u get ur temps lowered ok man? hav a look and see if sumwheres doing a cheap fridge/coolerbox for a car maybe in the meantime? im still using 1 on the warm setting to keep my temp stable ( leds were a bad idea for such a cold ass place)
right - got 1 original glaze , 1 choc n maple i think it is , and a chocolate with sprinkles - first come first served
pulled myself away from ps3 to pop in (to see them first and then u lot, one must prioratise)
very glad to say in under 48hours from stickin into the new bigass grodans roots busted out the bottom - i even took a pic < im gettin better at this shit!
tho now i really need to do sum sort of makeshift creating to keep them healthy and promote more untill i get stuff together -stress- gonna put the kettle on and brew up a plan . . input as always is appreciated - considering splitting a soda bottle in half for now coz well its free but we shall see.
OOooOOOh very sciencey net - picturing the white lab coat ( paint stained to hell) and a tag name badge , you could speed up by adding more light, how much tho i duno . . id lend u my hps but by the time it gets there harvest will be done -
what if u were to put baywatch or sumthin else sunny on the tv and use the ambilight? hahaha i bet sum1 out there has tried it ** looks around** . . maybe in newbs.
DL u get ur temps lowered ok man? hav a look and see if sumwheres doing a cheap fridge/coolerbox for a car maybe in the meantime? im still using 1 on the warm setting to keep my temp stable ( leds were a bad idea for such a cold ass place)
right - got 1 original glaze , 1 choc n maple i think it is , and a chocolate with sprinkles - first come first served