Dwc Grow Club


New Member
I am not sure if shes DWC. I think shes more of a loner. Ask her! Ya never know! This Bear guy is helping on my grow thread. He seems knowledgeable. Good things going on with my grow!!! Im happy


Well-Known Member
bag seed,400mh,10 gal rubbermaid,5 fems,
some buds good for smoke some good for oil,
the ones hanging up top r the good ones and the bottom i chose for oil
next grow will be aurora indica already have the seeds


Well-Known Member
not many dense nuggets mostly fluffy bud, but lots of trichs
hey im a toker...lol..100 post


Well-Known Member
wishing i didnt have to pay for smoke <------------------------but i did and i'm rolling a joint as we speak and fixin to be blazed


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I realized this was the bigger of the 2 DWC grow clubs, so I'll post this here also. This is my DWC setup. I am a first time grower. The cab is an old chest of drawers. I added a 4" inline fan for my exhaust. I just yesterday added 2 PC case fans for my intake. Temps are around 77-80. These plants were overnuted at first, so I am babying them back into Fox Farm Grow Big. They have really taken off the past couple weeks, but I am currently battling pH issues. I can get my pH down to 5.6-5.8 but it will creep back up to 6.7-6.9 or so thorughout the day, Only have about 2.5 gallons of water in the reservoir, so I am guessing thats why my pH is so unstable. You can see some pH burn I believeo nthe bigger plant.

My setup....

Bigger plant. You can see some pH burn....and I now have temps of 77-80.

Thank for looking!