Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Yay another skip work day!Nice grow hydro....

Token glad u could make it lol. Yes the rules were left open bro hahaha lol. THought it would be fun to make some up everyonce in awhile. If u have any ideas feel free.
Pacquio whooped delahoya!
Mayweathers next!


Well-Known Member
Cool man yea another weather day i guess haha. rhino sounds nice as well as the nl.nl is the sheite. cool to grow to.would like to get my hands on some rhino seeds tho.


Well-Known Member
I replace mine sometimes thru out a grow.Or U could scrape it and then gently tap it off in ur palm. Usually works for me.


Well-Known Member
ive been taking a scew driver and scrapping mine and replacing them,just thought may be another type of bubbler that doesnt clog,ive tried a few things even poking a bunch of holes in the air line and pluging the end it works but the whole line floats lol


Well-Known Member
get a bubble curtain. it's just a hose with holes punched in it. mine doesn't float, but if it does, you tie a weight or something to it


Well-Known Member
i'll try it.. thanks..starting to flush today maybe in a couple weeks i'll have every thing ready for grow 2..:peace:
interested in your grow eggo keep us up dated..nutes,res change,blah blah,etc..


Chat room operator..ONLY!
Ok man count me in I only grow Dwc my self and I just built some kick ass bubble buckets. My link is in the sig. Definately subscribing!


Well-Known Member
Bwahahaha leggo I maxed out my activity indicator bar yesterday! Guess i should stop playing hookie from work now.!lmao
No kidding. On edit: I didnt know they actually gave awards to people with overactivity! Just noticed that leggo thanks for the heads up! lmao


Well-Known Member
I just need to get a life! And quit being so obsessed bro.But i literally do look for reasons to obsess more about my plants. i really could have worked today.I just told my boss I couldnt.He knew i was lying but doesnt like confrontation!bwahahaha
Sometimes he does get jazzy thats when i point out all the reasons he sux @ being my boss.Fight club!