Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
Why boil the airstones? just let them soak in a 5% bleach solution for an hour and then rinse well and dry. works great been usin same airstones for years now.
good, I'm glad you said that. I did exactly that about a week ago when I was cleaning my whole setup, and I threw my airstones in there. Then I thought about what happens with them and soap, and I got a little worried that the bleach may somehow slowly dissolve back into my res and poison my plants.

:grin: my minds now at ease


Well-Known Member
I have Diy setup real simple come check it out it's been real quiet over there. plants aren't doing much been about a week now and still just the first four leaves. I hope they take off soon. not to worried, but you know how yuou just want to see how much growth theyut on in a few hours grrrr. It's like watching water boil. lol


Well-Known Member
Hello club just kechin up w/ yall. Net so sorry to hear about bike and glad you are ok! Onthedl good to hear your car is getting fixed, is that the car w/the blower? Is it a pon. grand prix GTP? Im a tech so cars are 1st nature.
Net on your diy bubble maker, How about some pvc with tiny pinholes, rubbercapped so airhose will slide in tight, kinda like a bubble curtin? I bought a bubble curtin that had a bunch of different adaptors so I made an H in the bottom of my tub, worked pretty good. Otherwise I soak mine in bleach water and rince thoroughly. I forgot who asked about bleach in the tub water, but I know you can use a small amout of bleach in your cut flowers to make them last longer. Thanks CSI! LOL


Well-Known Member
I was using CPVC with tiny holes but the disk I got at the pet shop for $5 works a lot better.


Hello club just kechin up w/ yall. Net so sorry to hear about bike and glad you are ok! Onthedl good to hear your car is getting fixed, is that the car w/the blower? Is it a pon. grand prix GTP? Im a tech so cars are 1st nature.
Net on your diy bubble maker, How about some pvc with tiny pinholes, rubbercapped so airhose will slide in tight, kinda like a bubble curtin? I bought a bubble curtin that had a bunch of different adaptors so I made an H in the bottom of my tub, worked pretty good. Otherwise I soak mine in bleach water and rince thoroughly. I forgot who asked about bleach in the tub water, but I know you can use a small amout of bleach in your cut flowers to make them last longer. Thanks CSI! LOL


New Member
Hi guys. Well I think I found a DiY air stone. I got a big Styrofoam cube, spray bottle and acetone. I put some acetone in the bottle and lightly sprayed the cube. Then I rinsed it right away so it wouldn't eat the whole thing. Then I made a small hole for the tubing and stuck that biotch in there. I tested it in a clear bowl and there are many bubbles coming out (big and small). I'm not sure if the acetone stays in the foam and will kill the plants. I dont wanna try it. But theres one way, although its not with regular household products. But with acetone, you can shape the foam any way you want to. Anyway, from one stoner to another.



Well-Known Member
Good idea net! The only things I can see go wrong is like you said if the acetone stays in the foam, also you would poss have to weight it down or it will float and most of your air is gone I would think. I guess it depends on how big your diy tub is.lol. You can go to your local garage and get some old wheel weights for free hot glue them biotches on top. BAM DONE.

So is the grow off -on or off ? I read some differences of opinion with tubs or something?


Well-Known Member
Your a funny biotch Onthedl! I just read your cheap dwc set up and I love the pizza and beer idea! Some of my best ideas come from about 5 coors light.


Well-Known Member
Watch ur mouth homie... Hahaha anyways bro Its not a grand prix i cant divulge this onfo but ur rather close. U have pix of ur grow?


New Member
No. I'm taking some personal time off. About 1wk. Work is slow so they didn't care. Plus I have some airbrushing jobs for rent and pot. I'm eating ramen and veggies for the next week but oh well. So whats up Dl! When are you coming over with your pink vag!


Well-Known Member
i worked today, it sucked. BAD.

anyway i got 1 blueberry to root in the rapid rooters, the other germed seeds arnt doing shit. look the same as when i took em out of the germ plates.


Well-Known Member
Im on my way...... But the vag is now gone for now I should say.. I think id let u throw some ink on my car but its gotta be sik in the head


Well-Known Member
i worked today, it sucked. BAD.

anyway i got 1 blueberry to root in the rapid rooters, the other germed seeds arnt doing shit. look the same as when i took em out of the germ plates.
Bro i wish i could do it for u man! Some seeds do take longer to sprout give it another day. u can water the plugs with 5 ml of water a day.To help speed up the process.


New Member
awww. no vag! I have some flame. It's no dro but will do. I hate that I still have to buy pot from the locals. I got some stuff that didn't even hold a flame until you smoked and smoked. But whatever. Hopefully soon I won't have to buiy shit!