Dwc Grow Club


Active Member
ladies and gents---hello

lets do this- seeds are here- waitin on brenton??

my next post...................specs for the contest!!!!


Well-Known Member
I think the Specs and guidelines should be discussed and agreed upon by both members. Specs that can be matched by both players in the same similar grow.

Like if its tubs then tubs. If its going to be a bucket grow then how many plants.How long will u guys veg for or what hieght.I think lighting should be held up to each individual grower considering the many different lights that growers use. And once all these things are agreed upon. Then the growers should detail and document the designs and techniques they are using.

Im looking forward to it.


Well-Known Member
I think that this would still work if he agreed to grow only 4 plants in his 6 pot tub.
But that would really suck.And be a waste.or u could double up 2 of ur pots.


New Member
Well wouldnt it make sense to do like 4 or 5 i mean shit how often do u get a seed pack with 6 seeds? i only getting 5 lemon skunk seeds not 6.


Well-Known Member
Cool...Right now we have 2 willing participants one with a 10 gallon 4 pot tub, the other with an unknown size tub but with 6 pot sites....We are trying to design something that will be fair for both growers.

Right now i think the best thing that could be done is that the grower with the 10 gallon double up 2 pots.That way both growers are maximizing there grows and not being cheated.
then i think to be fair to the grower with the 10 gallon tub it would be fair enuff to say that the final veg hieght should be no taller than 1o inches before flowering.

If these things were agreed upon i think this could work out well.


New Member
Actually i think ima pull out this is way to far fetched to try, setups atleast needa match somewhat and they dont so its pointless.


New Member
its possible to grow but don't know shit about what rons got beside a tub with 6 pots??!? that doesn't help at all.