Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
LOL U better be good MJ. Hahah so why dont they give beads to guys that flash anyway.. Im saying the moon glows in the dark.. I should get beads for that.

Be good>>>>promise I'll try0;)
My experience with MG is that the beads you get directly correlate with what you're flashing & how desirable that is to the person with said beads. I've seen guys get beads....but mostly down in the tranny manny part of Bourbon, LMAO!! Nice pics BTW....MJ


Well-Known Member
Well..the NlxWW are both males and the afghans are showing me DaT pUsSy!!!!im lovin it,they already smellin sweet as idk what but its gonna be a heavy producer!Even the headless one os showing female.!im gonna get one of those pc microscopes so i can take pics of the trichs,,you were absolutely right when u said i made a good decision with those AKs...Much luv DL.


Well-Known Member
Whaddup Club... MJ ur one down ass chik. Dont worry u will respect me before its over bwahahahaha.. J/K Good vibes.. Really want to see ur grow flourish.. Did u start more beans yet?
Purps... Thats awesome man.. Really good news bro..Ill be by the J soon..
Harvest is kicking my ass dudes...
Oh yea in case in case anyone forgot about the Club logos..
Theres more in the Social section DWC club ill be back with a link to that but i think i may have one i can share right here.

Sicc wheres that Colaberative WC club logo haha. U should throw a W right over the logo im putting in here haha.. I would but i suck at computers..
Peace all.



Well-Known Member
QUOTE "MJ ur one down ass chik. Dont worry u will respect me before its over bwahahahaha.. J/K Good vibes.. Really want to see ur grow flourish.. Did u start more beans yet?"

Hi DL;) All's as good as can be expected here!! My pitiful lil clones are tryin to make it...we'll see. Beans will be arriving very soon...not the kind I wanted but some decent beans nonetheless. Wow, we should all be so lucky as to have our harvest kicking our asses +++Rep for you!! BTW...are you feeling not respected? LOL I like your evil laugh...keep it up, one day I'll be laughing too....maybe LOL MJ


Well-Known Member
lol.. i wish my harvest is kickin my ass too. At least then i'd be harvesting something! I'm gettin my ass kicked alright..

Clones not doing shit.. mother plants gettin slime on the roots... I'm about to just burn this operation down.


Well-Known Member
QUOTE "MJ ur one down ass chik. Dont worry u will respect me before its over bwahahahaha.. J/K Good vibes.. Really want to see ur grow flourish.. Did u start more beans yet?"

Hi DL;) All's as good as can be expected here!! My pitiful lil clones are tryin to make it...we'll see. Beans will be arriving very soon...not the kind I wanted but some decent beans nonetheless. Wow, we should all be so lucky as to have our harvest kicking our asses +++Rep for you!! BTW...are you feeling not respected? LOL I like your evil laugh...keep it up, one day I'll be laughing too....maybe LOL MJ
LOL MJ No not at all.I like ladies that can give it back haha..Its cool as fawk u even stepped in here with all us crazy fools in the first place. Ur awesome.. I think the club has been missing the aspect of a solid female grower in the mix for awhile and just wanted to say welcome to the club again.. Im serious haha. Yea i can be serious too lol. Glad to hear u got ur beans on the way. Im sure this round is gonna go good..
Just so everyone knows realisticly.. I never got a chance to harvest my first grow either.. I didnt even make it to 12/12.
MJ i can tell u have done ur research ur next grow is going to be bomb.
So whaddup with everyone else.
I see i have missed some posts.


Well-Known Member
lol.. i wish my harvest is kickin my ass too. At least then i'd be harvesting something! I'm gettin my ass kicked alright..

Clones not doing shit.. mother plants gettin slime on the roots... I'm about to just burn this operation down.
Chusett bro.. What nutes are u using brother?
Here's my complete nute line-up..
Botanicaire Pro Grow and Flower.
Liquid Karma for my clones in veg.
Calmag and Kool bloom in flower..
I see all kinds of problems with people using AN as well as GH products in DWC.. Mostly slime and root rot and things of that nature..

Try some organic stuff bro..
Theres alot of information out there thats real hard to decipher sometimes because it can be used alot of ways.
People dont use Organics in Pump orientated hydro grow styles because it has a tendency to clog the pumps on tables and such bro..
But i can guarantee u ive never seen any problems in dwc using them and u dont have to worry about pumps and things getting clogged in the res cause there is none man..
Try some organic stuff man.. Everything i just mentioned above is 100% or organic based synthetic mix...
Dont give up bro..
U could always spend some money on some subculture M and B if u choose to use the synthetic based nutes in dwc but the organic stuff is alot cheaper from the start..

Dudes i did get my gram/watt.

I think my nutes have everything to do with it..
Maybe the organics just sit better in stationary water. As opposed to the people using synthetics in a constant moving water type flow grow?
Just some food for thought.
Hope that helps man.
Look up all the slime related issues tho it seems to be a trend with certain nutes.


Well-Known Member
Chusett bro.. What nutes are u using brother?
Here's my complete nute line-up..
Botanicaire Pro Grow and Flower.
Liquid Karma for my clones in veg.
Calmag and Kool bloom in flower..
I see all kinds of problems with people using AN as well as GH products in DWC.. Mostly slime and root rot and things of that nature..

Try some organic stuff bro..
Theres alot of information out there thats real hard to decipher sometimes because it can be used alot of ways.
People dont use Organics in Pump orientated hydro grow styles because it has a tendency to clog the pumps on tables and such bro..
But i can guarantee u ive never seen any problems in dwc using them and u dont have to worry about pumps and things getting clogged in the res cause there is none man..
Try some organic stuff man.. Everything i just mentioned above is 100% or organic based synthetic mix...
Dont give up bro..
U could always spend some money on some subculture M and B if u choose to use the synthetic based nutes in dwc but the organic stuff is alot cheaper from the start..

Dudes i did get my gram/watt.

I think my nutes have everything to do with it..
Maybe the organics just sit better in stationary water. As opposed to the people using synthetics in a constant moving water type flow grow?
Just some food for thought.
Hope that helps man.
Look up all the slime related issues tho it seems to be a trend with certain nutes.

Hey man.. im trying to stay positive but this shit is really making me bald at this point. For some reason.. this all being my FIRST GROW (dwc).. i was able to grow those Snow white and LSD seeds a while back. Not all of them made it, 5 out of the 12 made it.. and 2 of the 5 are mothers. However, while this would indicate that i can grow SOMETHING.. right now its not the case. My clones don't grow or do anything, they just sit there. Last week, i posted here that i realized my PH runoff on the RW was way off.. (i never pre soaked the RW cubes prior to useage to begin with). So i fixed that up.. now another week goes by. Clones still not doing shit.

Worse yet, i started a blueberry seed, and AK47 lowrider, and Medusa seed last week. The blueberry was the fastest grower, it was looking real fucking good, until like 3 days ago it just collapsed. It wasn't stretchign.. it was only 1.5 IN out of the rw so it wasn't stretching, it just somehow dropped. Now the other 2 seeds that were slower growing, have also jjust collapsed. They're not even 1 IN high and collapsed!! PH on these RW cubes on these seedlings are DEFINITELY ph adjusted this time.

I got 4 27w 5500k bulbs on a couple of clones and seedlings and nothing is growing.

So lets not even talk about nutes.. the fact that i cant grow these honestly makes me feel like im a fucking retard.

I read about pple just leaving their plants in a bathroom for a week or so because they gave up on it.. and they come back to the plant growing. Meanwhile im doing my best here and shit aint growing.

ph runoff on the rw cubes now is always 6.0 ... temps in my closet are always 77-80. I just don't know wtf is going on.


Well-Known Member
Just relax. pH adjustments to the rockwool cubes will take at least a week to repair and then growth will resume. Patience. :)


Well-Known Member
Just relax. pH adjustments to the rockwool cubes will take at least a week to repair and then growth will resume. Patience. :)

Ok thats at least some good news to me then... what about my seedlings though? They were definitely adjusted properly for the seedlings and my seedlings are dying.

heres pics and you can see exactly the setup i have..

U can see here.. i got the mothers in buckets now. The lone mother in the right bucket is dwarfed.. severely def..but at least they all alive.

Here u see the whole closet.. mothers below and clones/seedlings up top.

here are the problems, im embarassed to post these but oh well.. U can see the 3 seedlings are to the near right of the pic, the other sad looking things are the clones. The lights are only 3 inches away.

And heres a last pic.. upclose of the seedlings. Honestly im doing horribly on both clones and seedlings.. but since FEM seeds are actually costly.. im trying to get any help i can right now so these dont peace out as well. I think im ready to just dump the clones.

u can see the further seedling has thinned out to like a thread of a stem. Thats the blueberry that was doing great at first, and then dropped dead. The other 2 closer ones are shorter and now are dropping dead as well.
What does it mean when the stem becomes thin like a thread?


Well-Known Member
Those poor seedlings look burned. Same with the clones. I'd keep the CFLs a bit higher away, especially since you've got other lights below generating heat. (Heat rises.) It's likely that's too hot up there for the seedlings and clones. I hope you're using nothing but a rooting hormone for your clones and keeping that rockwool fairly moist.

I use rapid rooters instead of rockwool. Soak em in most any water, even tap water, plug your clone or seedling in, let it sit in a tray with about 1/4" of water in it, wait for roots to pop out.


Well-Known Member
Rapid rooters are the way to go for clones and seeds.
Kalikitsune is right on the money.Raise those cfls a little too...lol


Well-Known Member
I've had so many people tell me to use Rapid rooters.. or even oasis cubes. I did my fair share of research awhile back before i got into this.. and i concluded on RW. I definitely ruled out the Jify plugs..seemed to have alot of bad press.

Anyways.. this does it.. i will pick up some RR tmrw hopefully the hydro store has it and i will try this project again.

With the light, i'll raise it and try it out i guess.. but it's a shocker to me.. i always thought i might still be lacking light with my 4 27w 5500k CFLS. I thought with CFL i could never have too much since some people talk about even letting the bulbs touch plants.. but maybe not for seedlings/clones?


Well-Known Member
I'm totally a new grower but if you aren't running beneficials in your reservoir then Physan 20 & Hygrozime will clean your slime up;) Don't take my word for it though...do the research!! Also, are your res temps running that high? If they are that's good breeding grounds for slime & root rot. My 2 cents worth & that's really all it's worth LOL MJ


Well-Known Member
I'm totally a new grower but if you aren't running beneficials in your reservoir then Physan 20 & Hygrozime will clean your slime up;) Don't take my word for it though...do the research!! Also, are your res temps running that high? If they are that's good breeding grounds for slime & root rot. My 2 cents worth & that's really all it's worth LOL MJ
Hey MJ thanks for the input. Yep im aware of the res temps myself.. i have an aquarium thermometer i use, and my res temp is at 73, so should be fine. I been adding a bit of peroxide in every res change, but yeah im starting to see the slime now. Ive always heard good things about hygrozyme.. i figured i'd just go the cheap way and put in h202 but maybe im gonna have to go out and get the Zyme!


Well-Known Member
I don't use H2O2, every reservoir change I use a 5% bleach spray solution and a fresh scrubber pad on my air line, outside of my air stone, and all around the insides of the bucket. Quick flush, add water, pH, add nutes, put plant back in, go about my business.

I use H2O2 to control fungus above the hydroton level. That and an all-natural antifungal spray made from garlic, clove, and cinnamon oil. Also works on most plant viruses (like tobacco mosaic) and many forms of bacteria. Gotta dilute it or you'll burn the plant, it will affect pH drastically if it gets in your reservoir.


Well-Known Member
I don't use H2O2, every reservoir change I use a 5% bleach spray solution and a fresh scrubber pad on my air line, outside of my air stone, and all around the insides of the bucket. Quick flush, add water, pH, add nutes, put plant back in, go about my business.

I use H2O2 to control fungus above the hydroton level. That and an all-natural antifungal spray made from garlic, clove, and cinnamon oil. Also works on most plant viruses (like tobacco mosaic) and many forms of bacteria. Gotta dilute it or you'll burn the plant, it will affect pH drastically if it gets in your reservoir.

Is this the bio fungispray from BG? I have neem oil and insect soap spray in my closet arsenal.. thats all i have for cleaners/control but i looked closely at the stuff with my 30x scope and i dont see no fungus or mold or insect problems. I dunno.. even though on my seedlings i made sure i fixed the runoff PH.. its still failing miserably. I raised the lights a bit and i'll pick up RR and try my luck i guess.
When i can i'll probably pick up some physan or some of that fungispray. Do you spray the fugnispray on everything no matter what? or is it used more as a treatment or fix?