Dwc Grow Club


Well-Known Member
LMAO Wow I can only think of one kung fu monkey as exhibited in grandmas boy... If their are 2 ...That would be cool. Id smoke out with a kung fu monkey.


Well-Known Member
maybe so but if u approach a monkey on good terms with a nice blunt or joint or bowl then u may gain its friendship. that particular monkey looks like it smokes.


Well-Known Member
aahhh man that film looks fuckin fantastic! ! ! feel like a turd burglar for not seeing it
im gona hassle ninja and see what comes of it , in the meantime any1 got a streaming link?
enjoying some footage of mmj users stickin it to the man as they testify to some board of stiffs .


New Member
This reminds me of when I was 17 working at Chili's !! I love this movie! Almost everything is accurate!



New Member
Just hit this pic
to insert images when posting stuff. Its above the box. Remember that you must have them in a host like photobucket. Insert the url and done!

As for the youtube stuff thats a bit more complicated.


New Member
I am inserting (*) Astrix for the purpose of not wanting the code to embed. now

this is the code you will use


Now get the clip off of youtube. THe url will look like this


You need to input the code in between the code. BUT you dont put all of it. only this part fYiH4AQw_MU which I put in bold above. All you need is the stuff after the = sign. then you have something that looks liek this


Now after that delete the * symbols you see. Like I said, you dont need that, it was just for example. Got it!



Well-Known Member
Net have I told you that your the bomb today? If not Your the bomb babe!~I have seen most of those. What was that movie called the one with the peeps in the resturant. They had a batwing didnt they? Streatching out their sac?lol I love that movie


Well-Known Member
Hey guys whats up? Im new to posting in your thread and wanted to get some of the DWC experts opinions on my grow.
This is my first hydro grow and I decided to go with DWC, because i have seen some incredable results.
I am using two 400 watt systems with Son Agro bulbs.
GH Flora series nutes.
Im in the 5 wk of my grow but I also had some major problems for the first 2 1/2 wks of my grow from witch i recovered from. Any input is helpful and I appriciate all the posts and info that everyone has allready provided

Wat ya guys think?

