DWC GH FloraSeries Nutis Question


Hello RIO,

I have some plants that are in a 20 gallon dwc system. Mp PPM is around 170 and they have been there for a week.
Now that its time to move them to the next stage (WEEK2) I want to bump them up to 300-500 range.

this is what im following http://generalhydroponics.com/site/gh/docs/feeding_sched/GH-FloraSeries-REC-Charts.pdf

first week was 170 bc i did 1/4 of week 1 :)

Do i need to dump out and refill with 20 more gallons ( I Will if need to ) or...

Is there a way to bump my ppm from the current 170ppm to 300-500 using Floramicro, Floragrow, Florabloom?
there is also rapid start in there and it will be calling for more

is there a to calculate what how much I need of each and stuff?



Well-Known Member
20 gallons? how many plants are you growing? Yes you need to dump it out and start with fresh nutes when you do a res change.


Well-Known Member
You ever grown before? Two of those look like they're about dead. Hydro isn't the best idea for a complete beginner. You basically over nuted them. No seedling needs 300ppm. You shouldn't be at 600ppm until you're flowering. They can only take up what they can. You dumping nutes in there isn't going to make them grow any faster. All you do is kill them and from the looks of it, mission accomplished. Not being harsh, but that's the reality of the situation.

I grew strawberry diesel for my first hydro grow. Good strain, doesn't take a lot of abuse though.


Active Member
its a simple ratio be honest but try mixing up 10 gallons at full strength and dilute it with water till u reach that 500ppm. u should use fresh water every time u do u nutrient change like mr2shimshim said. id add the diamond nectar too if u can afford 20$ for a quart. also a 8oz floralicious plus and u will be happier all the way around. next time look into a player pack by roots organiccs hydro line. u get a full line to do a small grow like u have and only like 60$ discreetly delivered to ur door or p/o box. it comes from aroura institutes i believe so the return addy does not point at farming at all:weed:


Active Member
didnt know they were seedlings...thought they were clones. id only run the rapid start till week 3 and watch ph daily....ok edit lol
they look be slowly recovering from nutrient lcok out in ur cloner. id would keep feeding only rapid start and really build the roots up as they look pretty weak in the picks. not unhealthy just no where near potential. if possible get sum sfl100 i think it is. its a very hydro friendly bottle of benificials. wait for the root mass to get crazy and feed them bitches lollol. sorry for not looking at pics sooner. im pretty loaded of this reserve privada og i just pulled bongsmilie


They are clones about 3 weeks old. My first clone attempt wasn't great.
I forgot to check the ph that's y they are bad looking. I'll update pics when I get home. I Belive the left one is having hard time. Middle and right have fresh green leaves looking better

The chart I'm following says 300-500 seedlings. 600-800 early growth and 800-1000 in flower Lil off I'm sry
Leftt roots are mad long but no new tops yet.


Well-Known Member
They are clones about 3 weeks old. My first clone attempt wasn't great.
I forgot to check the ph that's y they are bad looking. I'll update pics when I get home. I Belive the left one is having hard time. Middle and right have fresh green leaves looking better

The chart I'm following says 300-500 seedlings. 600-800 early growth and 800-1000 in flower Lil off I'm sry
Leftt roots are mad long but no new tops yet.
Don't follow that chart. Clearly is killing your plants, or did you not notice? ;)


Well-Known Member
Just finishing a DWC grow myself and I went with no nutes ( just a tiny bit of CalMag and beneficial microbes) in the first few weeks of veg, until they established a nice root system. Then I went with 1/4 strength until a couple weeks before flower, then I changed to 1/2 strength. ( My highest PPM was around 800 towards late flower) You will be able to roughly tell how much your plant is consuming by the drop in ppm on a daily basis. As my PPM dropped my PH usually raised (became less acidic) . I noticed that when the water dropped but not the PPM, the ph usually dropped. (more acidic) At this point, I added PH'd water only. If you keep a daily grow log with PH, PPM ( I also did temp and humidity) you will see how much the plant "eats" on a daily basis and makes it easier to avoid burn. DWC will use less concentrated nutes because the roots are soaking in the solution all the time giving them the more time to absorb what they want. (but makes it easier to burn)

Res. must be totally dark and not too warm. I had issues with root slime in the beginning but I blocked all light and added some beneficial enzymes and microbes which solved the problem right away. (theres a thread on here about a "tea" you can make which should do the trick, I didn't have time to make my own so I used voodoo juice which worked great!)

Lots to learn but it's fun... I'm new but am very meticulous when it comes to my smoke :) good luck!

Here is how mine turned out https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/612458-am-i-ready-harvest-first.html