dwc foxfarm nutrients with h202???


Active Member
H202 kills organics. It is a sterilization agent. Once the res, roots, etc are sterile you want the tea to begin getting your colony count back up. You want a high colony especially with organic based fertilizer. Microbes break down the fertilizer into useable molecules for the roots, which then pass through the semi permiable membrane into the plant. In the most simplistic of explanations, the roots basically feed on the broken down bacteria poop.

I've been out of the loop for a year so I don't remember if there is any premade teas on the market. But you absolutely want teas as it could take 3-5 weeks to naturally build a colony back after sterilization even with organic fert containing propagules. And until your pack is healthy, its like having a misfiring cylinder on an inline 4.

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
keep with the fox farm and get the kangaroots or microbe brew. premade pseudo tea with alot of the good stuff in there. not so sure he has to sterilize again however. roots dont look too bad. unless they are slimy and darker than the pic looks


Well-Known Member
H202 kills organics. It is a sterilization agent. Once the res, roots, etc are sterile you want the tea to begin getting your colony count back up. You want a high colony especially with organic based fertilizer. Microbes break down the fertilizer into useable molecules for the roots, which then pass through the semi permiable membrane into the plant. In the most simplistic of explanations, the roots basically feed on the broken down bacteria poop.

I've been out of the loop for a year so I don't remember if there is any premade teas on the market. But you absolutely want teas as it could take 3-5 weeks to naturally build a colony back after sterilization even with organic fert containing propagules. And until your pack is healthy, its like having a misfiring cylinder on an inline 4.
tea complete works great http://www.skunklabshc.com/shop.html


Well-Known Member
try something like this and a 5 gal black bucket. for plants that size (there is one pretty good sized one), you should have roots all over the place.



keep with the fox farm and get the kangaroots or microbe brew. premade pseudo tea with alot of the good stuff in there. not so sure he has to sterilize again however. roots dont look too bad. unless they are slimy and darker than the pic looks
i was interested in the kangaroots so i can keep evereything foxfarm but hydrogaurd is screaming my name. are they they basicly the same?


keep with the fox farm and get the kangaroots or microbe brew. premade pseudo tea with alot of the good stuff in there. not so sure he has to sterilize again however. roots dont look too bad. unless they are slimy and darker than the pic looks
so by adding this colony of beneficial microbes or bacteria to the res will keep harmful bacteria and pathogens away??
just wondering if the beneficial microbes is what the roots need then how do sterile reservoir plants thrive well??


Active Member
so by adding this colony of beneficial microbes or bacteria to the res will keep harmful bacteria and pathogens away??
just wondering if the beneficial microbes is what the roots need then how do sterile reservoir plants thrive well??
Yes, a strong colony is a first defense against sickness. It also helps build the plants immune system. You don't need tea, but you want it. It's 100s of times the natural amount of natural bacteria and fungi which form beneficial relationships with the roots. You can grow in a sterile environment, but only the readily available nutrients in the fertilizer will be uptaken in an efficient and effective manner. And you have a gigantic empty petri dish of a reservoir waiting for the first bit of light or heat to start a root suffocating algae bloom or a bad case of root rot, uncureable slimes, etc.
If you even attemted a hydro grow, I'd assume you want to do things like the big boys... You know, quick and simple, no dicking around.