DWC dry droopy leaves


Active Member
After doing this for a few years with no problems, I moved to a bigger location and now im getting so frustrated with hydro im about to go back to soil! :sad:

My flowering plants went from beautiful to almost dead and I cant figure out why, the leafs are all dried up and drooping/dying like its a soil plant that hasnt been watered.

I use a RDWC system with 5 gallon bubble buckets.

- dutch master gold nutes 1250 ppm (I follow their chart, always works great)
- 5.8 PH
- 65 degree temps
- 60-65 degree rez temps
- 9.33 watts per bucket of airflow via 2 brand new air stones each

The plants resemble older plants ive had that got root rot and get starved of oxygen, but all the roots look healthy.

The only other thing I could possibly think of is that maybe its getting too cold on the off cycle and the fan blowing chills/dries them out, or the rez temp dips into the 50's which maybe too cold (i dont know though).

just getting very frustrated with this dwc now, it keeps putting me way behind schedule for one reason or another, when my soil plants are going 100% perfect and putting these hydro plants to shame :wall:


Well-Known Member
i can understand your frustration but dont give up on it lol i had a similar problem with my plants a while back but it was a excessive heat problem the leaves where so dry they would crumble to the touch fixed the heat prob and they bounced right back if your temps are getting into the 50's thats definitely not good and could be the root of the problem. Do you have a thermometer that records highs and lowes if not home depot has one for like $16 and it works pretty good if you post some pics might be able to help you out a little more. Good luck hope things look up soon.


Active Member
its definitely not too much heat,

I do have a thermometer but it has not been reset in a long time, so I did that last night and turned the oscillating fan off to see if that does anything. Maybe I should get an aquarium heater and heat the water a bit more?


Well-Known Member
that might be a good idea i was having problems with the cold to i grow in my shed and where im at its getting really cold like 40 F so i just got a little heater again from home depot, that was $20 and has its own thermostat built on on it. I put it on a low setting with the t stat little less than half way it stays warmer in my shed than in my house lol and my water stays right around 65.