DWC/Drip system growwing too fast?


I have a clone I bought from a collective and over the course of 4 weeks this thing has gone from 7" to 27" in its veg cycle. I am using a 120w grow light I bought from Lowes and I guess it works. Oh and I am upward of 1200ppm and it loves it. No problems, is that normal?



i am switching to a 600w hps this week because there isnt enough light. other than that any recomendations?


Well-Known Member
first of all, the light needs to be a lot closer to the top of the plant. basically as close as u can get it without burning the plant. if ur hand is just a lil warm when its right above the plant, it should be good. the plant is stretching because it wants more light. it thinks it is surrounded by other plants, and a lil bit of light is coming from above it. so it stretches up to that light, in order to get ABOVE the other plants, and thus recieve more light. if u move the bulb closer, it slows that process down.

second... i dont do hydro, but im pretty sure 1200ppm is too high for that small plant. usually 1200 is for flowering i believe. in the first pic i can see nute burn on the leaf, so maybe back off a lil on the nutes. do u know your ph?

third... a 600 watt light is way overkill for that one plant. HERE is a link to my grow journal which i started yesterday. i have a 600w in my closet for 2 good sized plants, which is still overkill. i plan on getting more soon. what im saying is, if u only plan on growing one plant at a time, id go with like a 400w and make it one big spread out bush(look up LST). but if u plan on getting like 4 more plants, by all means go with the 600. some even have a switch where u can switch from 400w to 600w

also i suggest getting an oscillating fan to blow on that baby a lil bit. put the fan on low and have it spin. wind makes the plant grow thick and strong. if u were to flower that now, i dont think it would even hold itself up
You should def listen to what Luger187 wrote. He is basically right... You should def lower the ppm and lower the light and add a fan to make the stem stronger....


so i took the advice and lowered the ppms and switched to a 600w hps cool tube.
i kept in veg for about 5 weeks and just started flowering a few days ago. i know its still unhealthy though.
i went through a bad nute burn then a really bad ph problem (just switched to digital meters). thanks for all the help everyone.
.....so i guess the question is does it look better?





Well-Known Member
honestly i think that plant should be vegged more. or at least try to get some clones to go with it. that 600W uses a lot of electricity, and it may not be worth what u harvest with that plant.

also i still see nute burn. u need to get an oscillating fan for stem strength

edit: how close is that light? if its air cooled, it shouldnt put out much heat at all, so u can put it pretty close


Active Member
Personally I would have taken clones from that plant, rooted them and kept them short and bushy. Then I would have sexed that lanky plant to see if your gonna get any bud at all before taking things any further.


Active Member
I would switch back to 18hr cut a bunch of clones off then hack it down to about 6 or 8 inches, as long as there is some green left down there... then let it recover a week or two then flower.
you will get a stronger shorter bush... I think with new weight on top the bottom may not hold. but it looks much happier now than it did, nice turn around
your plant does look a little better. The stem looks thicker too, but like u mentioned u have a nute burn. I would have def kept it in veg still, till it get more branches and little nodes. Or till the plant looks healthier.
I dont want to sound negative, but i have a feeling you wont get too much bud at all with that plant and the bud might be pretty airy or in other word not really dense at all. You should prob just finish this one off but dont waste any money on it, or do like other members said, get clones from it and start growing these instead of that plant.
What fertilizers are you using?


so i moved the light closer, and im using the Flora Series and Koolbloom. i switched it to flowering about a week and a half ago and it accually made quite a turnaround. i counted 70 sites then lost count. anyways.....so whats the feedback?....oh and if your wondering if it lost leaves. i trimmed about 20% of the sunleaves up top.


Kush Pu$her

why do you say its unhealthy? just because of the streching?
i think he's just telling u how it is, it is too late that thing streched way too much and if it got any nug weight or even hairs it will fall under the wiight and when u put it under the 600w it will double maybe triple in size and out grow the space dont waste the time and start over keep the light close the light u have now can go right over them and the 600 will need to be between 1-5 ft away depending on air exchange and temps


yeah. but i got too much time into her to let her go now. and besides its only one plant and i got the room. i went through all the veg letting it stretch on accident and once i switched to a hps system the branches quadrupled in quantity. now its flowering from everywhere. so i mean no matter what im not going to bail on this project, just not in my nature. just trying to get as much outta her as i can.

Kush Pu$her

i didnt see the second set of pics at first but it does look like its keeping up with itself to put out something but electrictiy and plant food might cost more so it would b cheaper to buy a sack but i understand youve already got a month and a half into the thing if not two and u might as well finish what u started and learn from it ask questions before it sucks to after there is a problem, peace