DWC/Bubbleponics Root Seperation


I've been reading up on this site for about 2 months now and feel I am ready to take the plunge into growing my own medicine:mrgreen:.
I've just recently received 10 AK48 seeds from NIRVANA and intend to grow them in a DIY Rubbermaid DWC/Bubbleponic system. However seeing as these seeds are not feminized and roots tend to grow together in single reservoir systems im worried about root shock to the females when I have to transplant the males out of the reservoir.
Wont cutting the males leave excess root build up in my reservoir?
And if so will this be a problem?
Is there a way (possibly with a screen inserted into reservoir) to prevent my roots from growing together?

Any bit of advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Ahead.:peace:


New Member
u can cut the roots ....ask roseman what he thinks about cutting them iv heard its not the best plan for the plants but i hear if u do it correctly, than u can cut them out and not have problems...i mean a 6 basket BP isnt made for 6 full sized plants so regardless 90% of the time ur gonna have to move some of the plants out. just ask the pro growers on here how to cut them without fucking shit up lol


Well-Known Member
When the male shows flowers- Simply act like you are DIVIDING the roots into their seperate parts,cut the majority of the rootmatter away from the others,even trimming back a lil wont hurt to get entangled roots out..Very simple.