Duuude... maaajor drag man, total buzzkill..


Well-Known Member
So like, I was wondering what kills your buzz/high the most.
Aside from the obvious things such as Cops, Drug Tests etc.

For me, for some reason eating and drinking significantly lowers my high or completely gets rid of my buzz if I'm just buzzing.
I don't know why either as I'm like the only person I know that's like this lol Sucks when you get the munchies and are low on herb...

Another thing that kills my high or buzz is having to pee or shit. What makes it worse is my room is on the 3rd story (decked out refinished attic, I'm high, while I'm high! :-P) of my house, so I have to go down 2 flights of stairs to get to my bathroom.

Thinking of installing a tube that goes from my room to the bathroom and hangs over the toilet or some shit LMAO cuz bro does it suck in the middle of the night when you're just chillin' melted into your beanbag thanks to that dank bud, watching Adult Swim and all the sudden you have to piss..

So.. toke and post bros ;)


Well-Known Member
Cold kills my high. I hate being cold. lol. Or someone yelling or arguing with me sometimes does it. Basically bad vibes kill your high.

I find having to pee pretty good when I'm high. Relieving feeling. I think walking down 2 flights of stairs is what kills yours.


Well-Known Member
When the wife starts bitching.
Aside from a cop in the rear view mirror,
that is a big one for me.


FHUUU, thinking about finances always kills my high.. But then I just forget that I was thinking about it and its all good!


Well-Known Member
Lousy music is always a buzz-kill for me. Some sort of techno-crap or top 40 shit.
youd hate england then, next door neighbours girlfriend pulled up outside once blasting some absolute shit dubstep music, with samples of some guy saying "shut the fuck up" on top. Like wow.. real music. People arent susceptible to fads at the expense of real talent AT ALL