Dutch's Outdoor w/pics!!!

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
What's good everybody.. Well I've been on this grow for a long ass time. I never knew outdoor could be such a pain in the fuckin ass. lol

I am growing (6) Papaya from Nirvanna.. and they are absolutely beautiful!.. Great fruity smell and one hell of a tough plant. Here is some bud porn for all you guys.. Lemme know what you think! :bigjoint:

The next to below is my BIG MAMA! ;-)

The rest of the pics below are of my favorite girl! (I don't like to tell the other girls that tho! :roll:) She is the closest to harvest.. Anyday now!


Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
Please feel free to comment! I'm wondering if the last 4 pics of my fav is too early to harvest? any suggestions would be nice... thanks all!


Active Member
Judging from the amount of red hairs vs. white hairs, you would probably be alright to harvest. Although another week or two could seriously increase you overall yield weight. It's shoking how exponentially the weight of the buds increase towards the end of the grow. One time I harvested a blueberry clone after 7 weeks of flowering under 1400w HPS and got 4.5 ounces. When I harvested an identical clone 2 weeks later, I got 8 ounces. At this stage, two weeks makes a huge difference. Havee you tested any of it yet? You can clip a side nugget and let dry for a couple of days (or if you have a vaporizor you can vape it right off the plant) and see how it is. If you're happy with it, cut it down. Also the longer you leave it, the heavier the stone is going to be. I would say when you have trouble finding white hairs, then it's definitely ready.


Well-Known Member
those are fuckin phenomenal, very nice for northeast, i am up here to but not lookin as good as your ladies are


Well-Known Member
very very nice. whatever you are doing keep it up. like the one thats close, nice pink hughes..great job.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
Thanks alot everybody! I put alot of time into these ladies... Blood, Sweat, and Tears. I started out with 13, and ended up with 12 females! I was absolutly shocked! But then I had to move them many of times, and had to kill off half because of nosey loud mouth people.... It was a very sad day.. Not to mention 2 of em were over 8 feet... MONTHS AGO!

But sometimes you gotta take a loss to make a gain. Yah dig?!

but yeah if anyone in my area wants any tips I'd be more than happy to help.. Thanks for support. And I owe a good amount of my know-how gained from Roll It Up! Keep the grows goin!


Well-Known Member

The next to below is my BIG MAMA! ;-)


what a beautiful day you have right there, thanks god, look at those BEAUTIES, and i love seeing dope plants in autumn man, it makes me so happy we live in such an amazing ecosystem of perfection, but good job on those outdoors man, i know the first time outdoors poses wierd problems you would never have contemplated encountering, its a good lesson though.

Dutch Ma5tar

Active Member
Thanks alot CannBizz... The weather has been pretty damn perfect these days! And you weren't jokin about running into weird problems.. Right now I'm facing random bud-rot spots.. Wonder whats causing it?


Well-Known Member
could not give you an answer to that one bro, never had those little creepers!
i got damn potatoe bugs and wierd ass lookin earwigs in my pots tho, and now i cant move them inside, damn bugs, but hey if we didnt have insects our ecosytem would collapse, so w/e