Dutch Passion Seed deliver to US?


Well-Known Member
I just downloaded their catalog. I want to order up some seeds. I know a ton of people with DP seeds but in the catalog it says "DP cannot distribute seeds in Germany or outside Europe."

I have no question they will take my money but they said if they cannot deliver there that I will not get a refund.

What's the word Roll It Uppers?


Well-Known Member
I know single seed centre and the tude have em. I like to gt them from the source myself. But why not use one of those companies?


Well-Known Member
Ive been seeing alot of people dissatisfied with DP. Make sure you do a bit more reading before you order.


Well-Known Member
No, its not the vendors. Its actually DP with some issues. Not everyone has been having issues though. I would check out single seed centre or attitude seeds to purchase.


Well-Known Member
I'm running there Orange bud and Blueberry had to get them from tude, took four tries. I recommend not getting stealth as in no t-shirt or mug because thats what is getting flagged in Chicago at least.


Well-Known Member
Dissatisfied with the product....it's Hermie prone junk..not worth the time for the money when their are so many better companies..I only have experience with their fems, blueberry to be precise. Of five two herms one flat stem mutant that later hermed and two females that I did not finish. I have never had a full on Hermie from any other company I've bought from.


Well-Known Member
I've always had good runs with Dutch Passion but I don't think they ship to the states. Try Herbies out.


I've always had good runs with Dutch Passion but I don't think they ship to the states. Try Herbies out.
I ordered their strains from Attitude Seed Bank. Just a little worried Im not gonna be happy now. If they turn out to be a bunch of hermies I will be pissed!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry just yet I've heard good reports in with the bad..are they regs or fems..they have a better track record with the regs...the fems have alot of bad rap all over the internet for herming but you could have a better experience than I did but for me one bad experience is enough their are maybe a hundred breeders so I don't take gambles anymore, European bean companies overall have not impressed me, paradise was good but overpriced...