Dutch Passion feminised MK and WW hydro grow question


Well-Known Member
I hear about some feminised plants going hermie and i have these ones just started on 12/12 about 2 feet high nice foliage (4 plants). Can anyone comfort me with knowledge that I'm going to get females? Please just say they turn hermie IF THIS IS VERY OFTEN AND IS ESTABLISHED. Other than that something saying that by june 2007 most dutch passion fem seeds are all new good batches would assure me. No debate or jibber jabber, i'd appreciate confident YES's about females, and please cussion the truth if there is one about hermies with lies. Skeptics about feminized seeds have been keeping me up. Information about DUTCH PASSION results would be most relevant please. I've read all the articles and posts already about feminised seeds but I would appreciate FIRST HAND knowledge and experience other than the interview of Dutch Passion creator Henk whatshisface.

Thanks a bunch


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Does it matter what anyone says about it?? the plants won't change because we say they will. VV


Well-Known Member
Dude, I have used Dutch Passion femenized seeds. They are considered the "masters" at making femenized seeds. I have had nothing but ladies appear, using there fem seeds. They are also of a better quality phenotype than there regular seeds too.
This is of course my own personal experiences, other people experiences may vary.

I hear about some feminised plants going hermie and i have these ones just started on 12/12 about 2 feet high nice foliage (4 plants). Can anyone comfort me with knowledge that I'm going to get females? Please just say they turn hermie IF THIS IS VERY OFTEN AND IS ESTABLISHED. Other than that something saying that by june 2007 most dutch passion fem seeds are all new good batches would assure me. No debate or jibber jabber, i'd appreciate confident YES's about females, and please cussion the truth if there is one about hermies with lies. Skeptics about feminized seeds have been keeping me up. Information about DUTCH PASSION results would be most relevant please. I've read all the articles and posts already about feminised seeds but I would appreciate FIRST HAND knowledge and experience other than the interview of Dutch Passion creator Henk whatshisface.

Thanks a bunch


Well-Known Member
iv only had 100% sukeses with feminised seeds never had a harmie so i wonit worry about it. good luck


Well-Known Member
I had a Dutch Passion seed go completely male on me.. Well, I cut it down before it had a chance to show any female- maybe it was going to show some female hairs, maybe not. It happened in one week and was covered from top to bottom in balls. The package said "feminised" so I assume they were. Having said that, the other appears to be a healthy girl at this point. This particular strain is DP's skunk #11. On another web site there's a guy growing DP's feminised skunk #11 that started with five plants and ended up with five females. His did an indoor grow like Videoman. I wouldn't be shocked it it turned out that indoor grows are a better environment for fem'd seeds because they might get less stress.

FWIW, it was incredible how small and even shriveled my DP fem'd seeds seemed- I didn't think they'd work. But of the three I germinated they all popped in no time. The third one is at a location I don't see often so I don't know how it is doing. I put it there just to have a secondary location. It's getting all sorts of stress in the form of no nutes(although the soil is rich), lots of sun, and only 3" of rain in the past three weeks. It's about 10 yards from a lake so I'm hoping it was able to get tap roots down. Oh, and this particular plant fell off a two story balcony when it was an inch tall. I "rescued" it and it was in shock for a couple weeks and very slow growing. It's really going to be a study in stresses. If stress has much to do with a fem'd seed staying female or not I'll be surprised if this one does.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks everyone. My basic understanding from what you guys have said is that like everything sometimes people turn out unlucky, but that's still a small enough percentage to assure me. I sprouted the healthiest looking seeds in the packages.

Im sure little by little the bad batches will decrease since seedbanks probably get a lot of instant feedback.

Another question, Im a first timer with indoor hydro, since im a first timer is it better to just stay safe with the nutrients that i got in my kit (aqua veg and flores A and B) or is it not to much of a risk to add one of those yield boosting additives?

I have really dense internodes and the plants look like uniform bush, layer after layer of leaves, should i get a bomb yield? Ill add the 2 tallest ones were MK (high yielding) and were 2 feet by the time i started 12/12 (after only 30 days of veg, thanks to this sites advice)

Sorry about all the questions but ive vegged well with rollitup and i want to flower well and would be happy if i could get up to 3 to 4 oz. total (dried)