Dutch Passion- Blueberry...experiences or opinions?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
fatass cola... i grew out BB and bluemoonshine 7 yrs strait.if u see hermies wen they flower dont toss the plant as most do,jus get some tweezers and remove them,male flowers at first are real moist wen they open up for a couple days before thier harmful,jus make sure wen u do pik them turn all air off till calm.believe me you may jus end up with a few seeds nuthin major....excellent strain. dutch passion has top genetics.i did them more in the reg seed version before fems come out. but have done many fems .heres wat to expect from the ones i did.enjoy.
Nice looking buds Raiderman! The purple looks sweet! How many days did you run these? Did you do anything special to help them change or just time?

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Waste of time, I just spent over 6 months time trying and both herm on me, I have 3 seeds left that will never get cracked by me.
I'm sorry to hear this. So far I have 3 beautiful bb plants that are beginning to flower. I went into this knowing that this is a finicky strain and there was a good chance of herming. I don't mind picking a few nuts off here and there...especially if I can pull results like Uno and Raiderman. :shock:


Well-Known Member
i ran the trees 80 days but most 10 weex to get that color.using a carb. like sugar dday at the las 2 weex give u all yure colore and more thc .rdr.


Well-Known Member
Well, HerbIQ says its 72.0 days right now. Looks amazing, The main cola has got to be 14" tall or so. The PPM's are super low right now. It was grown from little cloneling, 4 weeks vegg, then got 5 weeks in bloom when I ran out of Xnutrients. Then switched to Dynagro. PH was rock solid with the Xnutes, stayed wherever I set it, with DG it always dropped to mid 4's. it was a constant battle with PH the last few weeks. But it seems like shes doin good. Very low success rate with clones from this strain. but got a couple just in case i want to do it again.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Update! :) The girls are doing stellar so far. One plant is a bit puny, compared to the other 2....but it's all good. I see only pistols so far...no evidence of sacs...yet. Keep your fingers crossed for me peeps. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
i ve seen othe growers get frosty ass buds on thier grows here,jus keep a sharp eye for hermies,dont freak out,lol,jus pik em off and yule do ok.update as yu go here .rdr.


Active Member
Looks like they are really happy plants, you have a good amount off leaf mass so here's to some rapid bud production :)

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
The plant in pic 1 is looking amazing!! and the plant in pic 3 is a different pheno for sure with 7-9 leaf sets...the other 2 only have 5....she's also a shade or 2 darker..it's hard to tell in the pics. They are really happy under the hps. I have an idea I'd like to try with this grow. I'd like to switch to mh for the last few weeks of flower. I've heard that this can increase psychoactive properties, in some strains. Have you guys ever heard of this? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
The plant in pic 1 is looking amazing!! and the plant in pic 3 is a different pheno for sure with 7-9 leaf sets...the other 2 only have 5....she's also a shade or 2 darker..it's hard to tell in the pics. They are really happy under the hps. I have an idea I'd like to try with this grow. I'd like to switch to mh for the last few weeks of flower. I've heard that this can increase psychoactive properties, in some strains. Have you guys ever heard of this? What do you think?
not sure if i'd interrupt it while its fixin to put out.less its a much stronger light.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
well the hps is a 360w conversion bulb for my 400w mh fixture, and then I have a 400w mh bulb. I just thought maybe this would help make the plant think that the end of the season is coming.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
Update!!! :D So far, all 3 plants are doing extremely well. I have heard alot of negative things about Dutch Passion, but I gotta say, up to this point these plants have been a pleasure to grow. The plant in pics 1&2 is two weeks into flower and the plants in pics 3&4 are one week into flower. I had a small run-in with some fungas gnats appearing but I nipped that prob in the bud...no pun intended :-P.....with a quickness. The plants are growing by leaps and bounds, daily, as you can see....and they are beautiful to look at. Don't be thrown off by all the lime green...my camera sucks..they are much greener in person.



Well-Known Member
had a couple hermie but jus at the biggening of flowering a few , i picked them then no more for the rest it grew.
Thanks, mine is still alive in water farm, I plucked a few off,but on did drop and knocked up my other girls...damn it .I hate seeds in my weed :(, but long as they do not get loaded, Wish it was a more stable strand,but you guys saying it is killer smoke has my hopes up,and may just run rest of the beens outside to find a stable cut to run out,if not next.............


Well-Known Member
i'll let u know somethin about hermies.wen they stick thier yellow banana out its usually wet couple days before the pollen dries and released.undetected could cause catastrophic damage plus seeing they were seeded so early would make the seeds worthless.so how do you deal with this and not chunk the labor yu already have in it? once yu see hermies on one or all do daily scans of yure garden ,get into the habit,wen u see one turn all the air off till calm,tweezers are good,very gently pull it.and separate it from the room altogether,repeat daily ,may get a few seeds here or there,but still 98% seed free.gd luk my friend.rdr.


Active Member
ahh just noticed you have green stems. All my BBs have purple stems. Do yours emmit a sour skunky smell when rubbed? Lookin good though man, wait till you see the flower to leaf ratio. I think you will be pleasantly supprised :)