Dutch Master nutrient calculator

Dark union

Hello dear friends,

Recently purchased complete hydroponic system with Dutch master nutes. Also after reading many posts decided to invest into these blue tracheon measuring rods to measure EC and PPM.
Dutch master website offer nutes calculator:


My question is: are these numbers are generally aimed for marijuana growers or I need to adjust my concentration differently ?

Also while you are reading this could you give me your personal advise on required PH levels which I believe must be around 5.8 PH for hydroponics.
And what about EC and PPM why and how they are so important ?

Thank you very much for your advise.


If you have any good links to informative website to get tips and advise on hydroponics I would love to read more.



Well-Known Member
I have used the Dutch Master Gold system
and I would suggest that you cut all the amounts in 1/2
and don't go over 70% nute load.

Do you have RO ?

I keep my pH near 5.6
and always between 5.5 and 5.8

Dark union

Hello Earl,

So you are saying that what ever is on website cut in half ?

And what is RO ? Pardon my ignorance :?


Well-Known Member
Reverse osmosis = R O

Most nute calculators are predicated on your use of RO
(read the fine print near the bottom of the nute calculator)

You can use pretty high nute loads during veg
but try to keep nutes to the minimum during flower,
especially after midway through flower.

If you graph your tds (nute load)
then it should look like a bell
with low loads at first,
swelling to your max tds
during the transition from veg to flower.

I run up to 600ppm
and then about week 5
I start reducing back to 0

The transition from veg to flower takes about 2 week
and is not counted in the flower phase.


Dark union

No I use tap water which is quite soft.
How many time would you recommend to flood my egg and flow system ?
2-3 times at first and then increasing as plants grow ? Or every 15 min ?
At the moment I'm germinating my seeds in rock wool cubes.

Thank you so much for advise


Anyone else has anything to add ?

Dark union

Another question out my ignorance.
I understand that EC or PPM stands for electrical conductivity and number or particles in the water. So basically you measure how dense water is with nutes ? But what nutes ?
If you add many, how would you know which one to add ? Or just add everything in same proportions ?
Also I read that different meters might have different ratios. I use Blue lab Truncheon, is your 600ppm will apply to mine too ? Or it is something to do with Dutch Gold ?
Please enlighten me with basic PPM understanding :

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
I am not an Ebb N Flo grower
so you may need to find a better mentor.

I would only flood the table just enough to keep the plants from wilting.

You want to let the grow media dry out
this will draw oxygen into the media.

O beleive you can set the DM calculator to EC
and just cut the number in half

There may be a EC conversion method on the calculator

I don't use EC because it is not as accurate as tds.

Some of the ingrediants in your nutrient soup are not measured by EC or tds

That is why you should do weekly rez change outs.

I flood and drain rockwool cubes every three hours in veg which is six floods per 18hr light cycle. every 2hrs in flower 12hr cycle. so 6 flood and drains for 15 minutes each day both veg and flower. i have a cheap hand made set up, my e.c hovers the 1.9 and all i do is use the directions 20ml per 5lt of dutch master and drain the tank every ten days. i have had good success with dutchmaster as i am only still a novice i am only my second run now about to turn into my second flower cycle. i have not used any other additives yet. but have bought hydrozone and superthive for round three. I hope it helps as i am only new to this like yourself.