dutch master help


Active Member
hows it going guys and girls i'm just about to start a new grow and i bought dutch master nutes . so heres the ? the hydro store where i bouthe it from said i can use it in dirt , i tried to ask this ? in the indoor section but got no reply .so if any of you hydro growers can help me out that woul be great.

thanks zzzzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member
i think dutch master is hydro only i had brought some but gave it away.
so long ago.

Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
You can use any kind of ferts in soil, you just have to mix it with water first and then feed the plants. Mix a lot lighter than instructions and then water with it just once a week or two, giving just plain water for the other waterings. I don't see why dutch master would be any different than anything else, but I use "hydro" nutes in the manner I just described with no problems.


Well-Known Member
If you mean the soil (pro-mix) then yeah, that should be great. Just don't feed too early and don't feed too much or too strong and you will be alright. It is always better to undershoot than overshoot when you are in doubt.