Dusty Dope?


Active Member
guys how do I get the dust off my dope plant? Ive been drying it out in the basement then I realised its fucken dusty as hell down there. I mean you can see the dam dust.


Well-Known Member
sweep. then mop. then sweep again and mop again.

EDIT make sure your plant is not in the vicinity of all this sweeping.


Well-Known Member
sweep. then mop. then sweep again and mop again.

EDIT make sure your plant is not in the vicinity of all this sweeping.
yup.. you take care of your plant like a baby its whole life, and you should do so the same even after its chopped, keep a nice clean sterile environment, i know i wouldnt want to smoke a bowl of dust ewwwww


Active Member
yup.. you take care of your plant like a baby its whole life, and you should do so the same even after its chopped, keep a nice clean sterile environment, i know i wouldnt want to smoke a bowl of dust ewwwww
yea exactly. So how do I get the dust off my dope. I know how to get it off my room.


Well-Known Member
good question .. never ran into that problem.. blow it off with a hard blowing fan?? i guess I would try that y not .. what the hell ;)


How much dust are we talkin about here.. LoL

Would it be possible to to LIGHTLY tap it against one of the sticky lint rollers? Try not to pull of that many trichomes and or bu material. I think if youd take the time with this idea it would work. But then again, how much dust are we talking about here. Tell ya what, send me some so I can try it and make sure its fine for inhalation for you. :)


Active Member
How much dust are we talkin about here.. LoL

Would it be possible to to LIGHTLY tap it against one of the sticky lint rollers? Try not to pull of that many trichomes and or bu material. I think if youd take the time with this idea it would work. But then again, how much dust are we talking about here. Tell ya what, send me some so I can try it and make sure its fine for inhalation for you. :)
well my dope is now grey.


Active Member
guys how do I get the dust off my dope plant? Ive been drying it out in the basement then I realised its fucken dusty as hell down there. I mean you can see the dam dust.
THATS DRUG ABUSE SIR!!! never let your hard work and efforts get dirty.the best thing I could think of is rubbing it lightly with paper towels.


Smoke it ! It wont kill ya. If your concerned that much, make hash or butane hash oil out of the dirty buds.


Active Member
i wouldn't smoke that shit!!!
i get pissed when i catch a dog or car hair on my buds and i can successfully pluck those off!
mold, dust, hair, or any other contaminates to me make your medicine useless and un-smoke able.

you could probably make hash with hairy buds, but i wouldn't put my body (or any one else's) at risk of smoking potential moldy or dusty buds or hash... PERIOD...

do what you will... obviously i STRONGLY advise against it!


Active Member
dont overreact men hehe im sure the dust is superficial, the core of the buds should be intact, so just scratch the surface off before smokig.
ive hear about people that are disgusted when they see a hair on their soup, but this is to much haha


Active Member
i wouldnt suggest it.... but this was taken from Ed Rosenthal's book...


"Dust" is actually composed of many different-sized solid and liquid particles which float in the gaseous soup. The particles include organic fibers, hair, other animal and vegetable particles, bacteria, viruses, smoke and odoriferous liquid particles such as essential oils, and water-soluble condensates. Virtually all of the particles have a positive electrical charge, which means that they are missing an electron, and they float (due to electrical charge) through various passing gases. The dust content of the air affects the efficiency of the plant's ability to photosynthesize. Although floating dust may block a small amount of light, dust which has precipitated on leaves may block large amounts. Furthermore, the dust clogs the pores through which plants transpire. Dust can easily be washedoff leaves using a fine mist spray. Water must be prevented from touching and shattering the hot glass of the lights.



Active Member
it only says there that dust on leaves block the light affecting plants abilty to photosynthesize, which i think he is overreacting a little


Well-Known Member
What was the straw for? Animals? Water problems? Growing? depending on if it is to be considered "clean straw" or not depends on what to do.

If the straw could be contaminated with animal wastes,mold/mildew/fugus,etc I'd consider making an extract with it or just get rid of it.

If its "clean straw" I'd just blow it off... seriously unless there is a SOLID layer of dust I wouldn't worry about it. Do you realize how much of it you breath/ingest on a daily basis? Granted it's not being combusted as you breath it,which tends to realease many of the bad chemicals, but yeah... I'd blow it off and smoke it.


Active Member
What was the straw for? Animals? Water problems? Growing? depending on if it is to be considered "clean straw" or not depends on what to do.

If the straw could be contaminated with animal wastes,mold/mildew/fugus,etc I'd consider making an extract with it or just get rid of it.

If its "clean straw" I'd just blow it off... seriously unless there is a SOLID layer of dust I wouldn't worry about it. Do you realize how much of it you breath/ingest on a daily basis? Granted it's not being combusted as you breath it,which tends to realease many of the bad chemicals, but yeah... I'd blow it off and smoke it.
haha yeah just check out your nosetrails it should be full of it ! damn germophobes hgaha


shop vac ? or air compresser try to blow the dust off /or maybe that compresed air stuff for cleaning dust off key bords