Durban Poison - Where’s the stretch?

Active Member
Hi growers. Looking for some advise from some of you more experienced folks. Growing two Durban Poison billed as 100% sativa by EC Genetics in eastern Canada. Very hearty plants, seeds popped quickly, all going well. Thing is, it’s day 10 since flipping to 12/12 and haven’t seen much stretch, maybe 3-4 inches. Given the fact that these are sativa, I was/am expecting significantly more. Wondering if my expectations at this point are unrealistic.

Growing in coco with 20% perlite, 5 gal GeoPots, feeding Gaia Green Organics dry amendments as well as worm castings. All under 320w PanthrX Mini V1 by Crecer Lighting


Active Member
They’ll stretch. Sativas take their sweet time.
Thanks for the reply. I normally grow indica dominant strains so I’m not too sure what to expect. I was concerned as I thought maybe after 2 transplants and 2 substantial defoliations, I thought maybe I stressed them too must. They seem very healthy and bounced right back bushy after stripping them down.


Well-Known Member
They don't even have much in preflowers yet. Once the flowers fill in I predict 12 to 18 extra inches. Possibly 2 feet if very stretchy.

Active Member
They will just give them a couple weeks. Here's a few pics of my snowhigh Durban poison run. Best strain I have ever grown.
Thanks! Btw, when do you start to count when flower starts? The day you flip to 12/12 or some other indicator from the plant?