durban auto poison


Well-Known Member
Cool man. They look better than 90% of the new growers round here so you're doing something half decent!
Maybe a little small for 10 days but not too shabby. They'll get there. Just focus on growing healthy plants, don't worry about being 'perfect'. Your first few grows, hell even years will be a huge learning experience. Plenty of time to perfect things later.
Just remember to keep the light high right now then gradually lower it was the plants grow bigger. As long as they don't droop you're good.
Is that promix? (Sunshine same diff)
What are you feeding/plan on feeding
my humidity was very low, like 30% and the weather was cold, so I didn't run the ventilation often to avoid losing the heat emitted by hps, I wonder if these are the reason and is there a possibility that these plants are photos?


Well-Known Member
probably all that or the lamp is too high.
well if you dont know what you have for seeds anything is possible


Well-Known Member
damn thing doesn't come out dude it's stuck so bad do you have any suggestions
Probably easier and intended to be peeled before you've hung the light. I'd wait until lights out and do it while the whole fixture is cool. It may just take some work to pull it off. But seriously, that's a fire hazard.

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
What are your average temperatures like in the room? Since its hps it helps immensley in cold enviroments, but if its still too cold that may be why they are going slow.
The temperature does not drop below 25 degrees, but my humidity level is very low 30%. I ordered a humidifier for this, I will have it tomorrow, will it make a big contribution?