Dunk and Roll Question


Well-Known Member
So I've been reading and watching the videos. Does the water temperature necessarily need to be cold? The video I watched just showed normal tap water in a pot sitting on a counter. But two guides said the temp should not exceed 40F (eventhough one guide contradicted itself and said not to use a refridgerator, but to use a refridgerator).

If temp is important, would ice be enough to keep it around 40 for ~18 hours?

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
So I've been reading and watching the videos. Does the water temperature necessarily need to be cold? The video I watched just showed normal tap water in a pot sitting on a counter. But two guides said the temp should not exceed 40F (eventhough one guide contradicted itself and said not to use a refridgerator, but to use a refridgerator).

If temp is important, would ice be enough to keep it around 40 for ~18 hours?

Thanks for any help.
no, temp is not important. you could dunk in the fridge, to "cold shock" the myc but it is not nessisarry for cubes. if you are un-able to put them in the fridge, anywhere at room temp is perfectly fine. for 24 hours, then roll in dry verm. and wait 30 min before misting after the roll. if not the verm will fall off.


temp is not important, and dunk for atleat 12 hours