
Might I also add, that yall must be remembering a strain I never had. Back in my smoking days(early 90's) Dumpster was just what ever the cheapest weed the weed dude had, and we called it dumpster cause it was ususally trash weed, Low THC maybe 8 to 10% if you were lucky and tasted like burning trash(another reason we called it dumpster). So, im guessing you guys who remember it fondly were getting something differnt that what we called Dumpster in NW Ohio.
For sure. Dumpster was a columbus staple for a little while. Pretty good smoke and decent yield
The death star has always been around I have had it now for a few years. The lemon G and mango are around a little harder to obtain lol. Have found any real dumpster around in years, haven't heard of illudium.
Where did the silver pearl go? That and deathstar were some of my favorites to grow and smoke