Dumbledore is a homosexual


Well-Known Member
It't true, in case you haven't heard. J.K. Rowling announced in New York last Friday. The Newsweek article can be found here Rowling Says Dumbledore Is Gay | Newsweek Books | Newsweek.com

Now the question is, what was Rowling's motives for announcing this? I mean, there are clues through the book that he was, and I have no problem with him being gay, and anyone that would have a problem with a gay Harry Potter character probably already hates Harry Potter for the whole witchcraft thing.

Rowling could have made her announcement to either offer support to the gay community, or else she could just be stirring up some controversy to get people back to reading her books.

I mean, she is a Billionaire. It's not like she's gotta do something drastic to make money. What you do all think?


Well-Known Member
Wow you haven't tuned into the news in over a week...
No, I knew about it, I just wanted to see what the world would make of it. So far, people seem pretty cool with it, except for the one's you'd think would have a problem with it. I just thought I'd try to get some discussion about it after people had time to digest it.


Well-Known Member
i was wonder what her motives were also. apparently it ties into the whole story.???
we really don't need to know what he does behind the curtains.