Dumb criminals.


New Member
please post any funny videos or stories relating to dumb criminals or silly/stupid people doing crazy things.




Well-Known Member
hey luda only one video worked it was the pot brownie cop the other ones didnt work. but that is an extremely dumb cop


Well-Known Member
A guy walked in to a local gas station about 9 years ago, pulled a 20 out of his pocket and layed it on the counter. He asked the cashier for a few packs of cigarettes, and when she turned around he pulled a gun on her and demanded everything in the register. She calmly opened the drawer and gave him 14 dollars which was all she had in the register at that time. He snatched the money and ran off, leaving the 20 on the counter.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
time is going really slow ,whaaaaahaaahaa ,first time the cop got his hands on some good weed then freaks out


Well-Known Member
I was watching cops last night and someone was hiding under his bed and by under his bed I mean in between the Mattress and the box spring. The cops were fucking with him acting like they were trying to find him. It was obviously apparent the guy was under the mattress because it was 2 feet in the air on one side and not the other.


New Member
it says 'embedding disabled by request' when you try to play them...
when you click on the screen it should be showing black (is that the case) .
when you see the black screen it should give you the option in the box saying embedded and watch on youtube if so just click in the black screen that says watch on youtube.

(hope that works).
