I need a little advice from the peoples w/ experience around here, please...
Last night I did something stupid. DUI
I know laws are different in each state, but theres some common guidlines.
Heres the Sit-Rep
I was driving drunk just around the neighborhood. I was 1/2 a mile from home. Totally stupid and I know better. I'm a good driver, BUT a cat darted out in the road, I swerved a little bit, hit a medium tree and the truck rolled over.
Its was an instant flash of realization. The truck was munched upside down, I unclipped my seatbelt, Thang God I had one on, and managed to crawl out the window.
someone called 911 immediately, But the guys who's house I was in front of was real cool and came to help.
I told him I live a few blocks away, and he said lets get you home now.
By the time I got home, the cop and ambulence were waiting.
The cop was alright, and I was explaining what happened.
I had 2 choices.. Go to the hospital or go to jail.
My left elbow was gashed bad and bleeding bad, but otherwise I was VERY lucky.
After a quick decision to go to the hospital, I went to ER, they patched me up, gave me a tetanus shot.
But the Cop drew blood for analyise. the hospital gave me a breathalizer. .17
I have no Priors. Nobody was hurt except me.
He said it could be ~2 months before the lab results get back to the authorities.
Aside from totalling my truck, and having to pay the medical bills when they arive will be bad.
I don't know whats going to happen legally. What can I expect?
I swore never to drink and drive EVER again. I don't know if I'll ever drink again.
Should I hire an attorney? Its pretty cut and dry. I don't want to pay more money than what I'm already going to have to with medical and fines.
Treatment, license suspended, all that.
Anyone been in a situation like that?
What should I do?
No drugs or anything illegal was in the truck,
NEVER Drink and Drive..I was an idiot, but maybe I can find a silver lining in all this.. I am thankful God was watching over me..

Last night I did something stupid. DUI
I know laws are different in each state, but theres some common guidlines.
Heres the Sit-Rep
I was driving drunk just around the neighborhood. I was 1/2 a mile from home. Totally stupid and I know better. I'm a good driver, BUT a cat darted out in the road, I swerved a little bit, hit a medium tree and the truck rolled over.
Its was an instant flash of realization. The truck was munched upside down, I unclipped my seatbelt, Thang God I had one on, and managed to crawl out the window.
someone called 911 immediately, But the guys who's house I was in front of was real cool and came to help.
I told him I live a few blocks away, and he said lets get you home now.
By the time I got home, the cop and ambulence were waiting.
The cop was alright, and I was explaining what happened.
I had 2 choices.. Go to the hospital or go to jail.
My left elbow was gashed bad and bleeding bad, but otherwise I was VERY lucky.
After a quick decision to go to the hospital, I went to ER, they patched me up, gave me a tetanus shot.
But the Cop drew blood for analyise. the hospital gave me a breathalizer. .17
I have no Priors. Nobody was hurt except me.
He said it could be ~2 months before the lab results get back to the authorities.
Aside from totalling my truck, and having to pay the medical bills when they arive will be bad.
I don't know whats going to happen legally. What can I expect?
I swore never to drink and drive EVER again. I don't know if I'll ever drink again.
Should I hire an attorney? Its pretty cut and dry. I don't want to pay more money than what I'm already going to have to with medical and fines.
Treatment, license suspended, all that.
Anyone been in a situation like that?
What should I do?
No drugs or anything illegal was in the truck,
NEVER Drink and Drive..I was an idiot, but maybe I can find a silver lining in all this.. I am thankful God was watching over me..