I'm strongly for the constitution, but I don't disagree with DUI checkpoints because driving on a public road is not a right, it's a privilege. No one is making anyone drive on the roads where these roadblocks are conducted, nor is anyone forcing someone to go out and get high/drunk.
Anyone who drives intoxicated is a liability in regards to putting other's lives at risk both on and off the street. Then again anytime you are on a public road, you've decided to risk your life, but that doesn't justify an intoxicated individual jeopardizing the life of everyone else around them, who are all using the same privilege as the intoxicated individual.
I understand that DUI checkpoints can potentiate further loss of freedoms, which would be my only opposition against them. The fact remains that driving on a public road is not a right though, so what freedoms these roadblocks are infringing on, is a grey area at best. They argue these roadblocks constitute a "seizure" under the 4th amendment, and that it violates "probable cause"... I think that's more "blib-blab" than anything.
The way I see it, if you're in a car at night that's probable cause to believe one may be under the influence... there's not much more of an efficient way to obtain probable cause in regards to DUI . Notice how almost all DUI roadblocks are conducted at night? That's because it's the police's most efficient way of addressing the issue. This type of argument can turn into a shit storm when applied to other facets of individual freedoms though, which is why I'm only applying it to this DUI argument.
I think anyone who looks at DUI checkpoints from a viewpoint of "these Nazi's are up to no good", are a little short sighted. These checkpoints should be viewed more along the lines of "these police are arresting fucking DUI morons that kill people all the time, all over this country".
On another note, the DUI fucks who cost me more for my car insurance premiums get financially raped when they commit a DUI. Karma always puts work in

I do not intend to insult anyone with this, but I often find that people who are against these roadblocks are typically past/present DUI offenders looking for anything they can possibly grasp at to proceed with their irresponsibility and selfishness.