DUDES!!!! guess wat!!

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Well-Known Member
so i just bought a 1/2 oz of regs today for 200$ is this good??? i think so?? and i had to buy a little kid thermos to store it in since i lost my old container, im hoping it doesnt stink to bad tho..
Dude that is real high where I'm from... You coulda got some bangin seeds for all dat... LOL


Well-Known Member

see, the person calls ME a DICK and I get jumped on by Mr super mod.. this is total BS and im just about fed up w/ the modding here. no shit. so do w/e u want as im sure you are anyway.. are you gonna give me another "infraction" ?

pffftt.. this site needs better mods.. seriously.
i rather like the staff around here... i think they do a good job
keep up the good work RIU this is the only forum i frequent anymore..

they gotta mod a forum thats full of people and assholes (not directed at you).. they keep everything sweet and running smoothly like theyre supposed too..

they do an awsome job in my oppinion
the best staff for the best forum.. full stop... i havent met a staff member on this forum i havent liked so yeah.. theyre all good in my books...

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