Duct booster on charcoal filter, isntead of inline?


Well-Known Member
This had been bugging me for a while. I had my inline fan pulling through my light and pushing out my charcoal filter.

I still noticed some smell. 12 girls in veg. I wondered of the inline was too poerful for the charcoal filter.

So i put the light on its own circuit using the inline fan. I then took the charcoal filter and put it in my tent and put a 6 inch duct booster fan on it. Its just sitting like that

I notice no smell. Also i can keep the light cooler. Is this how its supposed to be?

I also wonder if i will have to get another vent and hook it up to the charcoal filter so it is exhausting. It is in a tent that has a paiive intake and many air leaks.

How best should i work this riu? Got the fan with its own circuit and the charcaol filter with its own circuit.

I do not have enough vent holes right now. I will have to fix that. I am lazy and wish I could just let the filter scrub. Let the fan and light cool. And just le tthe circulating fan give the plants all the air they need. Is this a pipe dream. Will I have to get my lazy ass out there and cut some more vent holes?

Is a duct booster the proper fan for a charcoal filter?:lol:
ty riu/


Well-Known Member
If you bought the carbon filter it should have come with a max CFM rating, were your fans exceeding that? That's when you get some smell.


Well-Known Member
i got the gro brite charoal filter from htg. The 6 inch gro brite for 90 dollars. It is not bad. they recomend a 435 cfm inline fan. I have a tent that is 4x4x6.5 feet. It has passive intake. Vents are partially open and little arileaks. When the big fan is on I have so much negative pressure the tent walls suck in. The fan is a 435 inline valueline model. Vey powerful.

I notived a little smell. Most of that was prob charcoal air. Everyone says put the filter inside. I wanted to try that instead. I had mine resting outside at end of line.

Just using the 6 inch duct fan i notice no smell. Lot less power need too. Lot less air moving out the tent too. That means less fresh air. I think that bad for sure I just am not sure on what level the air had to be moved.

I think out ease I will just put it back the way I had it.

Unless the air that has to be exchanged is not so much that the tent walls have to cave and a little movemnet and open intake and opening the tent a few hours a day like I do now is ok.

Maybe I will buy some flanges. Make real hook up for the exhaust on the tent to plug the filter duct fan combo out of. If that is enough air that will worl fine.


Well-Known Member
basically how far could I get just scrubbing a room and having passive intakes and a ciculating fan. I have the light on seperate circuit.

I am home today and just scrubbing I smell nothing.

I misted a seedling i had stuck under the hps for its day cycle and I noticed all the water i misted fly away from the seedling and all the way over to the charcoal filter just hooked up to the duct fan. I imagine smeel particles heavier than water!

SO just good hvac fun on my day off.