Dual Spectrum CFL


Active Member
I have currently got a very small grow using a 125w duel spectrum (6400K/2700K) for the first time.


I am four weeks in with an autoflowering strain and they are starting to develop little budding areas.

The bulb appears to be brighter on one side than the other. Half of the tubes coming out of the bulb appear to be slightly dimmer/redder than the other half on the other side of the bulb.

Is this because of the dual spectrum or is my bulb damaged somehow?

I was under the impression that the whole bulb would just produce the two spectrums and shine them in all directions. Since i have been pointing the brighter looking side down, if the bulb is split in two will i need to turn it around so that the redder side is pointing at my plants seeing as they are flowering?

Thanks for any help! Sorry if this is all obvious.


Well-Known Member
The bulb is fine. 2 tubes are blue and 2 are red.

If you have a reflector then most of the light is getting to the canopy.
It may be worth moving the bulb round so the redder light is closest to the tops but if this just involvs unscrewing it a bit then make sure there is still a good connection. You don't want it going dark in there.

I'm interested in how the dual spectrum works out. Keep us posted and good luck.


Active Member
Ok great, it will be easy enough to spin the bulb around and the holder so a loose connection wont be a problem.
Thanks for the info!

Plants seem very healthy and are growing fast. Unfortunately one is going a bit yellow, but i'm pretty sure thats down to overwatering (i went away for a few days so filled the pot with water so it wouldn't dry out while i was away - won't be doing that again!)

As far as i can tell the bulb is working great, and for the price its amazing, i'll keep you posted if i encounter any problems.

I have 6 plants but they are all dwarfs, close together in a square box about 50cm. They all have enough space and light at the moment, but if they outgrow the box I will be adding another red CFL.


Well-Known Member
hi there m8, red and blue are best for both veg and flower, i use 2 blue and 1 red 12-12 from seed.


Active Member
i bought that light to, but i don't know how to fit it in the box.
Can u paste a picture of how the lights should be?
