• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dual PC Grow -- Auto AK and Auto Blueberry -- 2nd Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey Xa
Good to hear you're almost ready. The ph pen will be real easy to use, a good investment for sure.
The blutack is great stuff too, I'm sure my case would fall apart if I removed it all :)
Sounds like there may be a business opportunity for you there.

I use a black case and only need access via one side, so the other side has black gaffer tape around the door. It's really hard to tell even when you are close up to it.
It's a bit tougher to proof the corners of the doors so I'll try and take a pick of what I've done there when the lights come back on tonight.


Well-Known Member
Alright readers time for a quick update. Seems I have finally made some progress. I worked on the first unit all day today and just fifteen minutes ago got her to about 99% 'invisible'. I had to add another trap light for my exhaust fan (hoping that it won't effect the temps to much), added a hinge door with velcro, and used gorilla tape to seal up most of the cracks. At 130AM I started the final 24 hour temp test and tomorrow, while the temp test is completing, I will replicate the 2nd unit taking pictures so that way I will have a 'how to set up your own pc grow' thread. I will also be posting the pictures here and if everything goes well (with the temps) when I wake tomorrow then I will start the germination process. The only thing I really have not done yet establish a way for the carbon filter to go on, but I have been thinking about just using ona odor. With all that said, I will be hitting the hay. Hope to be posting some good new tomorrow :)



Well-Known Member
Well everyone,

I woke up today at 1pm which is just 30 minutes off of the 12 hour marker. Risen with excitement I went to check on the temps of my case. The horrible news is that the all time high was 96F, but the good news is that it averaged 89F. I have no idea how, why, or when she got up to 96F, but by the time I got up the temps had made their way back down to 89F.

I figured that since I used black foam board and didn't mylar over it before testing that the black was 'trapping' heat. Few minutes ago I mylar'd about 50% of the unit coving up about 80% of the black foam board. I am hoping that this will bring the temps down a few degrees and keep it stable at 85-88F.

To follow up on the shitty news, I am not going to be starting germination today nor replicating the 2nd unit until I am certain that this set up will hold under 90F. I will follow up with another post tonight at 130AM when the 24 hour test is finished, however please cross cross your fingers for me :)



Well-Known Member
Hey Xa. Sorry to hear about the delay.
I know it isn't much help, but plants and soil both absorb some heat and you'll find that temps will drop noticeably when you get some greens in there.
Let me know if there's anything I can help with.


Well-Known Member
So I am posting a bit premature but it comes at a good cause. After checking it at 130pm today I added in some mylar to see if the dark spots were absorbing heat. After adding in the mylar I checked in on the unit three hours in; 89F; then roughly six hours in; 88F. I figured that this was because I keep opening the case every three hours so I then waited just over 5 hours to check in on the temps again. A few minutes ago we were reading at 85F. I will continue to test for the rest of the night and if awakened to positive temp readings I will finish mylaring the unit, replicate the second unit, and start germing at least 5 of the seeds (if I get done with the second unit then all ten if not I will wait a day). Thank you v12 for confirming the solution to this problem for me and allowing me to proceed with hope :)

Until tomorrow guys,


Well-Known Member
Well everyone I awoke to some glorious news this mourning. I checked on the unit at 130pm today and I am delighted to say that the temps reading was only 81F :) After checking on them four hours later she was still reading at 83F. I will finally say that this is a dream come true! Earlier, today, I decided to keep testing the running unit *since all the fluctuation* while replicating the second unit. So far I have taken several pics in the order that which I built the first one, and I am currently about 25% done with the second unit. I still have a little ways to go but knowing what I need to do is like working off of a plan so I am confident that I should have both of the units done by tonight. I will start germination tomorrow morning of all ten seeds.

Note to self:
- Need another thermometer
- Check into ordering a new fan *one is missing a few blades*
- Need velcro for 2nd unit's door



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates, but it comes at a good cause. I have completely finished both my units, successfully germ'd 9-10 of the seeds (only one AK remains), the successful 9 are all in soil, and about six of those nine have sprouted! This is the second-third day that most of them have been under lights (BB#5's first day*). Tonight, I will finish this update when I have time to actually finish all the updates and upload the pics. 'Till then I am back to work!



Well-Known Member
Time for the full on update I have been promising for the past two months. Good news is 10/10 grew tap roots *AK5 barely broke seed and only grew about a mm*, which is great germination odds. After about four days it seems we have some solid results for sprouts too. In the blueberry unit, which will be refereed to as the top unit, sprouted 5/5, but two of them still have yet to break from seed. In the bottom unit, or AK unit, 3/5 have sprouted and broke from seed, but two did not sprout. Thus, I have six (three and three) plants that are showing their first set of fan leaves and have a healthy set of baby leaves. They are a good solid green (blueberry seems a bit darker than the AK*), all six are less than an inch tall with only two (one of each type) runts which are technically the ones that are a day younger.

I have watered them on the third day with water pH ranging from 5.6-6.3 (I believe this is ideal?*). I will note for anyone living in a city that the tap water never stays a consistent pH. In my city the pH ranges from about 8.8 to 7.6 and generally alters daily. The humidity started out averaging around 30% then dipped down to 15% on the third day before watering. After watering on the second day I did allow some time in the dark, *I do not know if this is necessary but it was only about 12-16 hours. After wards the humidity was around the 50-60% area (doing laundry helped keep moisture in the air, so that is a perk to someone setting up a utility grow). Every since the middle of the second day the little ladies have been under 3x 30W 2700K (should I throw in a 6500k? or two to start off with) with a light regimen of 24/0 due to the fact that I lost my 'knotches' for my timers (if you know where I can buy some or know the name that would be helpful).

One problem I still seem to be having is heat issues. Sadly, if I keep the units closed they range in between 88F-90F. The only time the units have went over 90F is when doing laundry and not having the doors open. So, to be fair, one draw back of a utility grow is that if your dryer produces quite a lot of heat it will affect the grow. It is a must for me to have the doors open during laundry. However, this does allow me to keep them concealed during any visitors and throughout most of 'away' time (work, etc.). The draw back is, like my last grow and crazytrain's grow, I will not be able to leave them for any great length of time utterly concealed. As for the visibility, I am still not 100% invisible but damn near it. Have had several visitors since the completion and never even a second look. However, there were just some 'cracks' I could not seal well enough so I would say that I am a good 95% invisible.

As I have been promising I have brought some pictures. Looking back on it I might not have a complete step by step tutorial on setting up a similar unit but some of the pics will give someone the idea of what needs to be done and the general possibilities.

I hope you guys enjoy the pics and are as excited as I to finally get this grow on the road :)




Well-Known Member
Great to see some green on the go for you mate.
Thanks for the pics & all the updates, really informative. If I can think of anything to help you drop a few more degrees I'll let you know. Meantime I'll top up my pipe and pull up a chair :)
Good luck X.


Well-Known Member
Quick update:

Switched from 3x30W 2700k to 3x30W 6500k since I read that Auto's did better on 17 days of veg light. I don't know if this is officially true, but it allowed me to break in my 6500's :)

I did think, blissfully, that the 'cool' light would be 'cooler'. This is utterly wrong. The first night I switched I tested a unit for 12hrs shut and got up to the highest temp yet of 97F. I think I found it at 93-94F the next mourning.

I have researched for suggestions on my heat issue, but to only come out with the same stuff I have already tried. I did stumble on a grow journal though that is using 100W CFL for like a small cab grow. The 100W kept up well with two mothers and several clones. Leading me into my question of the night: Would it be better to reduce the amount of wattage and have lower temps or keep the amount of wattage and have higher temps? Would 60W be sufficient enough for 3/4 Autos?

Thanks for all the help everyone.



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Got some new updates, questions, and pictures. Also, I will probably be formatting my posts a bit different. I will be going according to days to keep track better for the both of us. As for the updates, I have settled on just 2x30W (plus 1x13W if temps allow it). The temps with doors shut all day and night only reach 89F/88F. I have decided that if I am home, with no company I can easily throw in another bulb and open the doors for a few hours. After that I mylar'd the bottoms of my dvd cases (they are my shelving) so all the mylar is done. I have also move the little girls 1-2 inches away from the bulbs a few days back.

As for my questions, I have switched out the 30W 2700ks for 30W 6500ks and I have not seen much growth after this. They have been on the 'blue' lights for roughly 7--10 days now. I have read after the 17th day you switch to the 2700ks -- is the correct? Also, I fear that since I am 'double cupping',example in pic one, which might now allow the soil enough air. Also, one of my AKs has a root growing out of one of the holes. Should I not be double cupping?

As you can see they are all still roughly 1-2 inches tall. Two of the AKs have developed a greyness. Almost all the baby leaves are turning yellow, which I think is natural.




Well-Known Member
Hey Xander

I think they suffered some heat stress. Most young plants need some extra tlc so I tend to put them under a humidity dome for the first week. Ziplock sealy bags or plastic bottles placed over them should work wonders.
I wouldn't expect yellowing so early in my plants so check the ph of your water just before you use it and adjust if needed. If there is no food in the soil it may be an idea to give them a very light feed too.

Some strains do all the growing underground before any worthwhile veg growth, Ice Cream was like that. Once they find the bottom of the pot and spread out a bit they should start shooting up and out. Those pots should support them for a little while yet and I doubt double-cupping will do any harm.

Heat stress will delay the whole cycle so instead of counting days it's prolly best to watch the plant now and switch to 2700k about 7 - 10 days after you see a first flower.
Got my fingers crossed they perk up mate.


Well-Known Member
Heat stress has caused the doom of just about all my plants. This was roughly $150.oo fuck up -pardon the french. I will be reconverting these units to 12/12 bag seed. I will post up a link to the new thread once achieved.
