Dual computer monitors...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
...are awesome if you spend a lot of time at your computer. I just realized that I have an older about 19" monitor so I got it out and hooked it to my lap top. Its awesome. You can put a media player on it, put hulu on it, word documents while your writing on the other screen. Having an extra monitor is incredibly useful. More so than you might think until you actually try it.

Any one else use two monitors?


stays relevant.
I used to use two monitors for various projects... Helps keep you organized on whats important, and what can be closed for resources if needed... but I now prefer just one monitor because my days of 100 different projects have come to an end... :)


Well-Known Member
My second monitor crapped out on me yesterday. If anyone knows why an LCD monitor will make a clicking sound and the screen not come on, let me know.

Big Rocko

Two monitors make it much easier to work on essays and stuff, word processor open on one and articles open on the other.


Well-Known Member
I had two going until my PC shitted itself. Now I just have my laptop and my 28" LCD computer monitor that's dedicated to my xbox ;)


Well-Known Member
...are awesome if you spend a lot of time at your computer. I just realized that I have an older about 19" monitor so I got it out and hooked it to my lap top. Its awesome. You can put a media player on it, put hulu on it, word documents while your writing on the other screen. Having an extra monitor is incredibly useful. More so than you might think until you actually try it.

Any one else use two monitors?
I got a 32 inch LCDTV for a monitor,,,,,does that count as 2 16's:bigjoint:

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I got:

1 - 25.5in 1900x1200

1 - 21in 1440x900

on a evga geforce 8800 GTS 512mb

I had two going until my PC shitted itself. Now I just have my laptop and my 28" LCD computer monitor that's dedicated to my xbox ;)
Thats what I want to do. Get a 28"-32" tv that I can use for my comp and my xbox.
All day. 2-22" Samsungs. Makes online classes and Music/Video editing go by soo much faster.
It makes a bunch of stuff easier. Its really useful
I got a 32 inch LCDTV for a monitor,,,,,does that count as 2 16's:bigjoint:
Yeah, with that windows 7 thing that locks two windows side by side you could get some of the same functionality of 2 monitors.

its usefull for video editing
music recording and editing, too.
I have dual Ferrari displays..

Way cool! :-P
I used to use two monitors for various projects... Helps keep you organized on whats important, and what can be closed for resources if needed... but I now prefer just one monitor because my days of 100 different projects have come to an end... :)
I'll be glad when my days of 100's of projects comes to and end.:weed:
My second monitor crapped out on me yesterday. If anyone knows why an LCD monitor will make a clicking sound and the screen not come on, let me know.
That sucks man.
Two monitors make it much easier to work on essays and stuff, word processor open on one and articles open on the other.
That what I've been doing. Its really helpful.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
No, I actually run 3 .... have a look ...

Why would I do this .. you might ask ??
Not for surfing or projects ....

I also use this ..... Track IR 5
so that I can move my field of view with the movement of my head to complete the experience ...

So this whole thing lets me get this ability across three monitors ...

And yes .... I got the 3D thing going as well ..... the experience is fantastic and it works well for FPS/flying or racing games.

Got to do something while watching the girls .... lol
What u think !!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Gotta love watching movies on one monitor (or monitoring torrents) and playing a game in the other...

I'm about to watch house on the littler monitor, smoke a bowl, and cruise RIU on the other monitor...


Active Member
I used to have it at home, but don't really have a need for it anymore. I also had dual at my last job which was really useful as I always had several programs going at once. What a difference though running this setup on a Linux and a Windows box, if my office would have let me run Linux life would have been so much easier!


Well-Known Member
I have a 21" Dell LCD and a 17" Philips CRT (they are about the same screen height). I can't imagine the pain of working with a single monitor anymore.
Its almost not worth calling something with one display a computer, its more like a toy not meant for productivity.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
I have a 21" Dell LCD and a 17" Philips CRT (they are about the same screen height). I can't imagine the pain of working with a single monitor anymore.
Its almost not worth calling something with one display a computer, its more like a toy not meant for productivity.
Seriously, it will be a pain in the ass working on single monitor comps from now on. It makes life so much easier when you've got several programs running at one time. Its also great if you use your computer for media. Most tv shows I watch, I watch on my computer. With two monitors I can surf this here RIU and watch at the same time.