Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

Shit man that's some set up.....not had time to read all 169 pages but you got yr shit sorted.........be my mr miyagi? haha Seriously tho nice as fook......if i had the pennies.......
Hey Fraggle, thanks for stoppin by. Yea well I didn't do it all at once.
I started with that little cab and a 400w I got on ebay for $100
Nope, it hasn't been like that for me, I keep growing and getting more.
As a matter of fact I just vegged up three girls in my greenhouse and supercropped them for in the cab. Two Bubba kush and a Train wreck in 3 gallon smart pots. I just getting them in there tonight, had to move stuff around cause Im starting the screen at 2 feet so I wont be using my reflector.
thanks for reply to my outdoor flowering date question, your thread is actually what i read to realize it already happened lol.

i have a greenhouse too! I made a little plan to take advantage of everything. any suggestion appreciated.

veg outdoors: may-july
flower outdoors: august-november

clone greenhouse: june-august
flower greenhouse: august-april

veg indoors: august-may
flower indoors: may-august

Happy growing!
I couldnt stop by without posting a few pics of what I got going now in my cab.

Soil grow, started them in my greenhouse, vegged to two feet then bent them over, put them in here under the screen.
We got two Bubba kush and one train wreck that are now about 6 weeks into flower.
I been using earth juice nutes and hygrozyme and just started Chi ching. Man that stuff work great.




Seems I got two phenotypes with the bubba, one more pointed then the other.



The train wreck is on the right, it looks like it doesn't have as many trichomes then the bubba but it does.
There are more calexes and they are covered.


I been watering/feeding them all the same, looks like I can step it up on the train wreck.
Yea buddy, I tried growing in a cab without much air flow, didnt get much. Then I cut a hole in the floor under the cab and exhaust out the top.
BIG difference. :hump:
Damn man. I was here at RIU when you were getting this green house set up back a year or 2 ago. You sure have come a long way! Looks great, man. Keep up the good work! and keep coming with that bud porn!
I wish you put all the updates in the first thread dude, it's so hard to read it all like I did your other thread! 170 pages to fish through!

I'm going to do a similar aeroponic 1000w/1200w wardrobe/cabinet grow soon. It's going to be a little bigger, with the two cabinets joined. I'm going to construct it myself out of MDF. Still trying to figure out plans etc. before I order all the MDF! Plus it'll be for my new house, which I haven't even found yet haha! I'm looking at dimensions of about 8ft tall, 8ft wide, 4ft deep though.

I was looking at stinkbuddy's setup too, you've put me off though, so I'm probably going to use the same method you are. Plus I can't find the fence posts anywhere!

So expect an update in a few months time. I'm hoping to start building the cabinet by the end of the year, probably over Christmas, then gradually the clone veg and flower system by early next year (realistic deadlines!). Just got to make sure I have final plans ready by then!

PS. Your two cabinet threads are by far the best I have found. Kudos! :)
Oh, Thanks man. Yeah, I had a hell of a time finding those PVC fence post's, finally found them at Lowes and made one for my green house last winter.
It's all the same shit, just different shapes. Your plans will change depending on what you have to work with in the new place. Good luck man, ya get a journal going, post us a link.
I have to say your build and grow threads are done very well. Great Job! I have never thought about doing a cab grow but you really showed how cool a cab grow can be. I have a little spaced planed out now.....lol
This was the first thread of yours I had on my subscribed list. Anyway, I'm back and have a new grow room going on.