Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

Looks great man. What do you plan to do with the cuttings? I've only been letting them dry and then tossing them in the firepit outside with a couple cigar butts and incense sticks late at night. Looking for some other ideas.
Garbage can?

I used to mess with them, throw it all in a paper bag, dry it out and store it in a giant zip lock bag. Then when I harvest I take that shake throw it together and while I was waiting for the buds to dry I make bubble hash out of it. I got about a gram an oz of shake.

You can get a set of bubble bags on ebay for a lot less. I think they were like $75 for a 5 bag set.

Now during the grow I just toss that shake and bubble the trim and what fan leaves I have left from harvest. Getting lazy I guess.
Good trim. You'd be amazed at how much that helps with air circulation as well as removing leaves that get no light. I let the popcorn grow under the screen to and sometimes it can get pretty crazy.

The widow harvest gave me 1.5oz's from under the screen.
lost my big lady out side dude , this rain really mest me up. she got so top heavy that she split down the middle, and imean all the way down.My 10' plant went to 3' and every thing i tried to do just made it wers.branchest were so heavy they were just breaking off from all the wieght. man lol thats all i can say is man full year down the drain. well talk at ya later
Those CFL's are working better then I thought they would for side lighting.

Do you really think you needed side lighting, or was this as much an issue with the lack of SCROG and a very dense canopy as anything else?

What benefits do you attribute to the side lights you added so far?
lost my big lady out side dude , this rain really mest me up. she got so top heavy that she split down the middle, and imean all the way down.My 10' plant went to 3' and every thing i tried to do just made it wers.branchest were so heavy they were just breaking off from all the wieght. man lol thats all i can say is man full year down the drain. well talk at ya later

Boo Hiss.

Sorry to hear about that. I guess there was no way to save her.

Do you really think you needed side lighting, or was this as much an issue with the lack of SCROG and a very dense canopy as anything else?

What benefits do you attribute to the side lights you added so far?
Good question,

I feel the side lighting has helped during the veg stage by supplying light to the opposite side of the plants. This way I feel they were able to get to the height they are now. Without it I think they would be a few inches shorter and not be able to get any of the light from the main bulb now in flower where they need it most because they would have been under the canopy. Although I have grown buds with lighting on only one side, I found the opposite side was not as dense. The side lighting has helped fill out the back side of the buds. I can see the difference.

The next grow will be a scrog and I will continue to use them. I have the 26 watt CFL's at 3000K color temp in there.

Thanks for the input.
I like how you repositioned the cool tube there cruzer, much better light distribution. I want to do that with my grow but I would have to cut a whole in the door to the box and I would rather not do that. I have been thinking about adding some t-5's to the sides of my grow ever since seeing your CFL's on the side. Keep up the excellent work
Hey Tom,

I know what you mean, It was a pain to re position the lights while I had plants in there but if you havent
noticed I am a little impatient when it comes to improving my grow. I couldn't wait and I am glad I did it now.

Yea that side lighting was easy though, and cheap. under $20
Here is what I used.


Vanity bar- $15.00
bulbs- on sale $3.00
extention cord- $1.49

I just made one for my other cab. This one I didn't cut in half though and I reversed the backing to make a reflector.




I will be using the smaller CFL's here.

Took like ten minutes. I priced the 2 into one sockets at about $3 each and figured I would need four so that was
like $12.00 and went with the bar instead for $15 I could always double it by getting those sockets later.
Good trim. You'd be amazed at how much that helps with air circulation as well as removing leaves that get no light. I let the popcorn grow under the screen to and sometimes it can get pretty crazy.

The widow harvest gave me 1.5oz's from under the screen.
Dam, thats a lot of popcorn.

I like leaving a bit down there because while the buds are hanging I toss the small buds in a paper sack and they dry faster then the rest. My first sample of every grow is the popcorn buds.

I don't know, I only did this yesterday but I think I can see a difference already. Maybe its just that I can see more of the lower buds. In my previous grows it seems like you get two layers of buds, the top buds and a second layer right under the canopy, then the bottom. In my experiences I would say I get 70% of my harvest from top, 25% from lower and 5% from under the screen.

Temps 80 res 74°
PPMs 900
PH 5.8

Plants have used about 3 gallons now of a high PPMs in as many days.
I do see a tips on a few of the upper leaves burnt. Not much but I got a feel for what they like.
Now I will flush for a day and start again at 700PPM. They are bulking up nicely. Its possible this little burst help that.

I took the rest of the clones I had in rooter cubes and picked apart the cube and removed it. It took forever and I don't plan on doing that again. I think what saved me is I let then root long enough to build a small ball at the end.



I think I ripped out all the small hairs at the end of the roots but I think they are strong enough to grow back pretty fast.
Who knows I never seen anyone root prune a cutting before.





Flora nutes PPM 290
Ph 5.8

Looks like they all survived. So my next crop is in the cloner all collars no rooter plugs to possibly clog the jets. I figure in three or four weeks I will be ready for them. The four on the right and one of the center ones are Purple Kush. The rest are Train Wreck. The five PK will go in. I am not sure but I am thinking 2 TW.

Check out the light,


With Flash



Close up.


Thats what I was calling the second layer of buds I was trying to get light to.


The White Widow is filling out a bit. Its still behind the TW.


The pistils on the upper buds are turning.



Hey Earl,

Is that it?
I noticed the spotting on one plants upper buds (the one I took the bud shot) I traced the stems down and found it was only one plant. I thought it was caused because it was so close to the side lighting. The rest look pretty good.
That plant seems to be finishing faster then others too, Maybe its the genes?

After this flush I will make sure I add cal mag with the rest. (FF Big and Tiger bloom) I been doing it every other res change and Last change I added that bloombastic in its place. 0-21-20 along with DM Zone. But then I boosted the base nutes by accident. I kept it high for a few days to help recover from the trim.

Thanks for the input. I use cal mag at half strength like the rest, Do you think I should do it with every change?

Good news, I just went to drain the res and checked PPMs.
Over night they used another gallon and the PPMs dropped to 720 along with the water level.
At that rate I believe more then half the PPMs are nutrients not plant salts.
Change in plans, I just topped off this res added a bit of cal mag and kept it at 700PPM

Temps 83 res 74°
PPMs 570
Ph 5.9

I hit that sweet spot again, PPM's dropping with water level.
I left it alone. Got some good pics before lights on.
Buds seemed to grow 1/2" over night.



As you can see I am out of vertical height.

Right about now is where in previous grows I have gone to far and burned the buds directly under the light.
I want the maximum I can get but most of the time the sweet spot for most growers gets too hot in my cabinet grows.

Here is a shot, just the 400w


So Here is what I thought of, you may think its a waste but I am going to try it. I am blocking the light to the upper buds.
Thats right hold the phone calls. I looked at the plants growing on my patio and they are under a screen and thought
what the hell. I am out of height and would prefer them to grow up the sides anyway. most resin production I have seen
in one of these grows has been on lower buds anyway.
Now with the screen.



With the side lighting


Light distribution looks pretty good to me.



Actually I think I am still getting the penetration but not the burn. I think I like this.


Well I am going to try it this grow.


The stuff I used was the same as I got out on the deck, I think it said blocks 75% of the suns rays. I figure with them directly under the light and the light is 38000 lumen's then they still receive about 10K

So what do you think?

Floro cab,

Temps here stay about 10° less than 400w cab.
Temps 74 root zone 70°
PPM's 650
PH 5.9

Girls are stretching, I am keeping them under the screen for now. Or close to it.


Temps 72° res ?
PPM 290
Ph 6.0

Its been a couple days since ripping out there root hairs but they are all standing tall.
The blue LEDs on the left are shorting out again. Shit.


Amazing set up, wish I had been here from the start. Detail in your build and grow is excellent. Props cruzer!!!
FML ok finaly i got the right thread haha and scribed! now im along for the right ride cruzer. lookin good i got a lot of reading to do i see