Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide


This cab sounds very similar to the one I have planned, and I would absolutely _love_ to see the pics of this thing being constructed - especially the DIY chiller.

None of these pics are coming up for me though. I generally hang on ICMag - not here and this may be a terribly noobish Q - but is there something I need to do to be able to see the pics of this Grow and, more importnatly, the assembly process in the other thread?

Sorry for noobing up the thread :( Apologies in advance...
The pics were down over the weekend as I was moving a few websites to another server.
I was not happy with the performance of the last server I was using.

All transfers are done now.
Sorry I thought I could do it with zero down time, I should have mentioned it.

Temps 80 res 60°
PPMs 720
PH 5.0

New res change today, I wiped it down too. PPMS 550 with cal mag. PH 6.0
We'll will see what happens in regards to the Ph dropping.

Looks like we got some new blood.
A friend of mine came over with a young mother Purple Kush that needed a trim so I helped him out. I took six clones. He brought me a couple rooted clones also. I have always wanted to grow PK now I have the genetics. First we will see how they do in the floro cabinet then the aero cabinet.

We got to talking last night and decided to try and graft a PK tip onto a TW branch. I used a cloning gel where they meet and a band aid. Unfortunately my half assed attempt didn't work but it is something I am going to look into.

Here are some shots of the canopy,







The plant on the lower right is a runt widow I was going to remove but when i went to take it out the roots were attached to the carpet of roots below. I didnt want to leave dead roots so I left the plant.
Thanks for the pics. I can see how it all came together for you. A few comments - some mentioned already...

1) You can take the seedling out of the rapid rooter and put it right into the cloner after the tap root shows. By removing the rooter from your main aeroponic unit, it will reduce very small particulate matter from the plug clogging your sprayers. It will also improve the coloring of your roots - which is probably freaking you out a wee bit. :)

Stinkbud recommends rapid rooter for germinating - but not for insertion in his own bubble cloner (as I'm sure you know).

2) And yes - your bubbler was letting in too much light. Hope it's all better for you now.

3) I love the new cab and plan to do much the same with mine as you have with yours...except for one aspect of the layout. I got to tell you man, some of the stuff you have done here is very inspiring and it was a pleasure to see it all come together over the two threads. Really - I read both threads start to finish and was grinning and smiling the whole time.

Except for one part... where I wasn't smiling.


I would really rethink the cloner bubblers and most importantly - the electrical lights sitting under your main aeroponic unit. Think about it cruzer - you have a rubbermaid container with two jury rigged drains being fed by sprinklers emanating from unglued 1/2 " pvc pipe, with rapid rooter plugs still in the system and potentially causing one or more clogs all at once at some vague and uncertain time...

And all of this is sitting 1/8 of an inch over sheet metal to which electric lights have been affixed. You have put electricity below water - and I mean - >>directly below<< it. That's the cardinal sin of hydro cab design. It's really not a good idea man. If your system springs a leak, or even if you just make a careless accident when adjusting LST, your goose could be cooked right there. Worse, you may discover the leak just as you touch the handle - or when you step in the electrified water seeping into the carpet. Either scenario (and lots of others you could think up) could fry your ass into a one way personal mission that will confirm or deny the existence of an afterlife. But one thing is for sure: you won't get the glory of posting about your findings :)

...or burn/injure you so badly you need emergency medical attention when you are in no state to clean up your house should the cops show up with the paramedics...

These risks may be very small - but whatever the case, it ain't worth it man. Rethink your layout and be safe!


And yes - I'm watching this one to the end. Thanks again for tending to the pics. :D
Welcome to the journal Fatigues,

Glad you enjoyed the read. You bring up a good point.
Anyone attempting this should be careful of electricity.

I took precautions that I didn't mention. If there is a leak in the tub and it drips to the lower shelf I have cut slits in the bottom of the shelf so the water will drip through. I have hung the electrical so it is not on the shelf just in case I get a puddle. The Lower lighting is low wattage 12v LED and built in a stand alone unit that doesn't touch the upper shelf and the 400w ballast is not even inside the cabinets.

That doesn't mean an accident can not happen. I am no electrician, I am just a guy who got tired of paying for buds. But I sure as hell don't need to be electrified and I don't think you do either so be safe if you try this.

I am always rethinking things man.
Thanks for the input.


Temps 79 res 70°
PPMs 500
pH 5.0

So it took like 24 hours to drop from 6 to 5.0
I would think thats back in line.

I had to turn off the chiller it was too cold.
Girls seemed to like it though.

I trimmed up under the canopy too, we got better air circulation now.





Thanks for letting me know about the password request.
I just changed servers and this has a different cpanel.

Thing is, I had to do it a different way as before. I can figure it out.
I have a resellers account so I went in and changed the server theme at hydrobuds back to X (one I understand)and deleted the pics that I think were causing it.

Gonna check now.

I was signed in when I created those links to pics. Then I did it a different way maybe that was it.
So I went in and re uploaded them and changed the images in the post to the new links.

Can you guys see the pics now?
looking nice, cruz. you say you trimmed it back, how much we talking?
bummed to hear your graft didn't work, better luck next try.
hey cruz pre bud hell yea sorry been away. had to go south and do some work on my ranch. But im back, stop my build but going to hit it hard this week end. Every thing is dryed and cure nicely. got to love not buying it any more, witch is why i started this any way. Got 5 tubs today and also bought another ballast and a 400 metal halide for the blue. Going to mount it this evening in my hood. Going to run both at the same time. That will give me 2, 400 hps and 1 mh. ok after catching up on the journal im face with this question. ( res) i have the same tubs you do, 5 in line and im thinking on using a bigger res say 40 gal witch should take some of the work out of it, as water levels go down the ppm goes up. so for me using a bigger res less water usage per week, keeps my ppm from rising as fast. even though im out there every day, i should nt half to change water as often what do you think? hey did you ever get any big bud sol... was there to day and saw it there, if you want say the word and ill pick some up for ya.. love your grow it going to play a big roll in my nexts grow. Every one wants me to sell some but i didnt do this for the money and im not a dealer, personal use only. Some friend get it for free lol. last grow gave me 22 ozs. pretty good huh, i dont no but i do know im not buying it any more hell yea.
Hey Earl sorry i missed you when you came down, it was a busy week end at the ranch when you were here.
O and my ladys out side are doing well ones almost 10' tall its a monster. The other there didnt grow tall because they started budding think i told you. They 3 foot tall and thick. just wondering How long do i let them bud. looking rip but i still have 2 to 3 months to go. tall one dose not have any buds yet.but it huge